大家都知道,$ 表示美元。那么它是怎样来的呢?一种说法是,它是 P S 叠合写法的演变。PS是18至19世纪期间美国的一种圆形硬币比索(Pesos)的缩写,这种硬币在1974年美国正式建立造币厂以前一直在全国通用。后来美国政府认可了$这个符号作为新货币的一个单位,即一美元。在书写时,$要摆在数字前面。如1美元应写成$1,50美元写成$50。而这种写法的背后还有一个小故事。
It is only appropriate that an Irish immigrant to the United States be the one credited with originating the dollar sign. Oliver Pollock sailed the high seas at the age of twenty-three, and settled in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. This young entrepreneur rapidly established himself as a wealthy and influential West Indies trader.
Pollock moved his operation to Louisiana, where he amassed even more wealth as a trader, and as a plantation owner. His success enabled him to provide supplies to the Patriots" cause in the Revolutionary War, and to maintain close contact and a degree of influence with Congress. Pollock"s success allowed him easily to purchase military supplies to support “the cause,” as the Spanish Empire had an outpost in New Orleans, Louisiana. In his dealings with the Spaniards, Pollock used their currency, the peso.
In true Spanish tradition, Pollock used an abbreviation for pesos, yet his penmanship made the abbreviation appear to be the transposition of the letters “p” and “s.”
Prior to 1775, the fledgling nations monetary system was in disarray, and needed to be revamped. By 1775, Congress decided to rectify the situation by backing all of its legal tender with the most commonly circulated coins that were, coincidentally, Spanish coins minted in the New World. Americans then began trading with “Spanish milled dollars,” later termed “dollars,” as Americans shed the “pounds” that were the vestiges of British rule.
Congressman Robert Morris, to whom Pollock addressed his billing records, perpetuated the use of the dollar sign, and was the first high government official to give his blessing to the “s” with the two lines through it.
The appearance of the dollar sign in print, in a 1797 book by Chauncey Lee, signified the acceptance of the dollar as a purely American symbol.
Carlisle: 卡莱尔
plantation owner: 种植园主
outpost: 前哨
peso: 比索
penmanship: 书法
monetary system: 货币体系
revamp: 修补
vestige: 残余
至高无上的美元起源于现今的捷克共和国。1519年,位于Joachimstal镇 (意为 Joachims山谷,源于德语“Tal”为“山谷”)附近的一座银矿开始制造银币,银币的名称,不假思索的取名为Joachimster,这种银币广泛流通,后来名称简化为“taler”,变的更加有名。在荷兰及德国南方,taler一词开头的辅音常常软化而变成 “daler”。英语采用了这一形式,最终其拼写为现在的 “dollar”一词的形式。
在美国殖民地,以前没有标准的货币。最广泛使用的是西班牙比索,也称之为 “八片币”,因为它可以分成包子状的八块。英国殖民主义者把这种钱币非正式的称为dollar(元)。1785年,美洲殖民地大会确定了美国货币,他们根据毛里求斯总督和托马斯.杰弗逊的建议把dollar(美元) 作为标准货币单位名称。因为dollar 一词已广为人知,它与任何形式的英国官方货币无关。(杰弗逊还命名了硬币角(disme), 起源于法语dixieme, 作为一美元的十分之一,发音为“deem”,最终演变为dime)