http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=MushroomVillage&type=maple 南港NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Ellinia&type=victoria 魔法密林所有NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Henesys&type=victoria 射手村所有NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=KerningCity&type=victoria 废弃都市所有NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Perion&type=victoria 勇士部落所有NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Rith&type=victoria 明珠港所有NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Dungeon&type=victoria 林中之城所有NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Others&type=victoria 黄金海岸NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=AquaRoad&type=ossyria 海底世界NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=ElNath&type=ossyria 冰封雪域NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=ElNathDungeon&type=ossyria 冰封雪域NPC补充
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=OmegaSector&type=ossyria 地球防御本部NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Folkvillige&type=ossyria 童话村NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Ludibrium&type=ossyria&type=ossyria 玩具城NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=LudiTower1&type=ossyria 玩具塔NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=None&type=ossyria&type=ossyria 天空塔NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Murueng&type=ossyria 武凌NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=WhiteHerb&type=ossyria&type=ossyria 百草堂NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Orbis&type=ossyria&type=ossyria 天空之城NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?town=Leafre 神木村NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?type=MasteriaGL 新叶城NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?type=etc 活动NPC
http://www.mapletip.com/npc.php?type=weddingGL Amoria NPC
10000 - Pio
1001000 - Silver
1001001 - Natasha
1001100 - Mina
1002000 - Phil
1002001 - Teo
1002002 - Pason
1002003 - Mr. Goldstein
1002004 - VIP Cab
1002005 - Mr. Kim
1002006 - Chef
1002100 - Jane
1002101 - Olaf
1010100 - Rina
1011000 - Karl
1011001 - Sam
1011100 - Luna
1012000 - Regular Cab
1012001 - Dr. Squint
1012002 - Vicious
1012003 - Chief Stan
1012004 - Doofus
1012005 - Cloy
1012006 - Trainer Bartos
1012007 - Trainer Frod
1012008 - Casey
1012009 - Mr. Lee
1012100 - Athena Pierce
1012101 - Maya
1012102 - Pia
1012103 - Natalie
1012104 - Brittany
1012105 - Ms. Tan
1012106 - Mrs. Ming Ming
1012107 - Utah
1012108 - Camila
1012109 - Jay
1012110 - Anne
1012111 - Bruce
1012112 - Tory 兔子人
1012113 - Tommy
1012114 - Growlie
1020000 - Blackbull
1021000 - River
1021001 - Harry
1021100 - Arturo
1022000 - Dances with Balrog
1022001 - Regular Cab
1022002 - Manji
1022003 - Mr. Thunder
1022004 - Mr. Smith
1022005 - Mr. Wang
1022006 - Winston
1022007 - Ayan
1022008 - Burnt Sword
1022100 - Sophia
1022101 - Rooney
1022102 - The Excavator Board
1031000 - Flora the Fairy
1031001 - Serabi the Fairy
1031100 - Len the Fairy
1032000 - Regular Cab
1032001 - Grendel the Really Old
1032002 - Francois
1032003 - Shane
1032004 - Louis
1032005 - VIP Cab
1032006 - Mr. Park
1032007 - Joel
1032008 - Cherry
1032009 - Purin
1032100 - Arwen the Fairy
1032101 - Rowen the Fairy
1032102 - Mar the Fairy
1032103 - El Moth
1032104 - Betty
1032105 - Estelle
1032106 - Wing the Fairy
1040000 - Luke
1040001 - Mike
1040002 - Fanzy
1043000 - a pile of flowers
1043001 - a pile of herbs
1051000 - Cutthroat Manny
1051001 - Don Hwang
1051002 - Dr. Faymus
1052000 - Alex
1052001 - Dark Lord
1052002 - JM From tha Streetz
1052003 - Chris
1052004 - Denma the Owner
1052005 - Dr. Feeble
1052006 - Jake
1052007 - The Ticket Gate
1052008 - Treasure Chest
1052009 - Treasure Chest
1052010 - Treasure Chest
1052011 - Exit
1052012 - Mong from Kong
1052013 - Computer
1052014 - Vending Machine
1052015 - Billy
1052016 - Regular Cab
1052017 - Mr. Hong
1052100 - Don Giovanni
1052101 - Andre
1052102 - Shumi
1052103 - Nella
1052104 - Tulcus
1052105 - Jane Doe
1052106 - Icarus
1061000 - Chrishrama
1061001 - 24 Hr Mobile Store
1061002 - Mr. Sweatbottom
1061003 - Mr. Wetbottom
1061004 - Ronnie
1061005 - Sabitrama
1061006 - Mysterious Statue
1061007 - Crumbling Statue
1061008 - Mr. Oh
1061009 - Door of Dimension
1061010 - Sparkling Crystal
1061011 - The Rememberer
1061012 - Insignificant Being
1061013 - Gwin
1061100 - Hotel Receptionist
1063000 - a pile of pink flowers
1063001 - a pile of blue flowers
1063002 - a pile of white flowers
1063003 - Wanted : G. Mushroom
1063004 - Wanted : Curse Eye
1063005 - Wanted : Evil Eye
1063006 - Wanted : Cold Eye
1063007 - Wanted : Z. Mushroom
1063008 - Wanted : H. Mushroom
1063009 - Wanted : Jr. Boogie
1063010 - Wanted : Drake
1072000 - Warrior Job Instructor
1072001 - Magician Job Instructor
1072002 - Bowman Job Instructor
1072003 - Thief Job Instructor
1072004 - Warrior Job Instructor
1072005 - Magician Job Instructor
1072006 - Bowman Job Instructor
1072007 - Thief Job Instructor
1081000 - Valen
1081001 - Pison
1081100 - Riel
1081101 - Roel
1081102 - Rael
11000 - Sid
11100 - Lucy
12000 - Lucas
12100 - Mai
12101 - Rain
2000 - Roger
20000 - John
20001 - Bari
20002 - Biggs
2001 - Sen
2001000 - Cliff 幸福村老头
2001001 - Branch Snowman 幸福村雪人
2001002 - Metal Bucket Snowman 幸福村雪人
2001003 - Straw Hat Snowman 幸福村雪人
2001004 - Scarf Snowman
2001005 - Rupert
2002 - Peter
2002000 - Rupi 幸福村导游
2002001 - Rudi 幸福村小孩
2002002 - Torr 幸福村小孩
2003 - Robin
2004 - Todd
2005 - Sam
20100 - Yoona
2010000 - Staff Sergeant Charlie
2010001 - Mino the Owner
2010002 - Franz the Owner
2010003 - Neve
2010004 - Corporal Wilson
2010005 - Shuri
2010006 - Trina
2010007 - Heracle
2010008 - Lea
2012000 - Agatha
2012001 - Rini
2012002 - Erin
2012003 - Neri the Fairy
2012004 - Nuri the Fairy
2012005 - Edel the Fairy
2012006 - Platform Usher
2012007 - Rinz the Assistant
2012008 - Romi
2012009 - Riza the Assistant
2012010 - Elma the Housekeeper
2012011 - Kriel the Fairy
2012012 - Lisa
2012013 - Sunny
2012014 - Orbis Magic Spot
2012015 - El Nath Magic Spot
2012016 - Aileen
2012017 - Hughes the Fuse
2012018 - Ericsson
2012019 - Moppie
2012020 - Alfonse Green
2012021 - Ramini
2012022 - Pelace
2012023 - Maple Leaf Marble
2012024 - Egnet
2012025 - Geras
2013000 - Wonky the Fairy
2013001 - Chamberlain Eak
2013002 - Minerva the Goddess
2020000 - Vogen
2020001 - Scott
2020002 - Gordon
2020003 - Master Sergeant Fox
2020004 - Mr. Mohammed
2020005 - Alcaster
2020006 - Jade
2020007 - Scadur
2020008 - Tylus
2020009 - Robeira
2020010 - Rene
2020011 - Arec
2022000 - Rumi
2022001 - Hana
2022002 - Barun
2022003 - Shammos
2022004 - Tylus
2030000 - Jeff
2030001 - Sergeant Bravo
2030002 - Corporal Easy
2030003 - Rock Covered in Snow
2030004 - Small Tomb
2030005 - Statue
2030006 - Holy Stone
2030007 - Piece of Statue
2030008 - Adobis
2030009 - Glibber
2030010 - Amon
2030011 - Ali
2030012 - Huckle
2030013 - Adobis
2030014 - Ancient Icy Stone
2032000 - ????
2032001 - Spiruna
2032002 - Aura
2032003 - Lira
2032004 - Suspicious Lava
2040000 - Mel
2040001 - Delv the Toy Soldier
2040002 - Olson the Toy Soldier
2040003 - Assistant Cheng
2040004 - Roly-Poly 1
2040005 - Roly-Poly 2
2040006 - Roly-Poly 3
2040007 - Roly-Poly 4
2040008 - Roly-Poly 5
2040009 - Roly-Poly 6
2040010 - Roly-Poly 7
2040011 - Roly-Poly 8
2040012 - Roly-Poly 9
2040013 - Roly-Poly 10
2040014 - Chico
2040015 - Manager Karl
2040016 - Pi
2040017 - Green Mesoranger
2040018 - Black Mesoranger
2040019 - Everton
2040020 - Sarah
2040021 - Tara
2040022 - Rydole
2040023 - Lost Soldier
2040024 - First Eos Rock
2040025 - Second Eos Rock
2040026 - Third Eos Rock
2040027 - Fourth Eos Rock
2040028 - Mark the Toy Soldier
2040029 - Grandpa Clock
2040030 - Wisp
2040031 - Document Roll
2040032 - Weaver
2040033 - Neru
2040034 - Red Sign
2040035 - Arturo
2040036 - Red Balloon
2040037 - Orange Balloon
2040038 - Yellow Balloon
2040039 - Lime Balloon
2040040 - Green Balloon
2040041 - Aqua Balloon
2040042 - Sky-Blue Balloon
2040043 - Blue Balloon
2040044 - Violet Balloon
2040045 - Pink Balloon
2040046 - Robert Holly
2040047 - Sgt. Anderson
2040048 - Nara
2040049 - Gumball Machine
2040050 - Eurek the Alchemist
2040051 - Toly
2040052 - Wiz the Librarian
2041000 - Tian
2041001 - Rosey
2041002 - Hid
2041003 - Miru
2041004 - Marcel
2041005 - Nemi
2041006 - Misky
2041007 - Miyu
2041008 - Seppy
2041009 - Mini
2041010 - Ellie
2041011 - Yellow Mesoranger
2041012 - Pink Mesoranger
2041013 - Gina
2041014 - Patricia
2041015 - Korin
2041016 - Vega
2041017 - Ace of Hearts
2041018 - Hans the Assembler
2041019 - Rocky the Repairman
2041020 - Mac the Mechanic
2041021 - Mr. Bouffon
2041022 - Tigun the Advisor
2041023 - Flo
2041024 - Tombstone
2041025 - Machine Apparatus
2041026 - Ghosthunter Bob
2041027 - Mason the Collector
2041028 - Unknown Thief
2042000 - Spiegelmann 海底世界的海豚
2042001 - Spiegelmann
2042002 - Spiegelmann
2042003 - Assistant Red
2042004 - Assistant Blue
2050000 - Dr. San
2050001 - Dr. Kim
2050002 - Alien Gray
2050003 - Spacen
2050004 - Kubo the Storageman
2050005 - Chury
2050006 - Hoony
2050007 - Gunny
2050008 - General Maestro
2050009 - Jr. Officer Medin
2050010 - Rice the Medic
2050011 - Kevin the Soldier
2050012 - Agent Marco
2050013 - Porter
2050014 - Meteorite 1
2050015 - Meteorite 2
2050016 - Meteorite 3
2050017 - Meteorite 4
2050018 - Meteorite 5
2050019 - Meteorite 6
2050020 - Dropship
2051000 - Dr. Pepper
2051001 - Kay
2060000 - Nanuke
2060001 - Robinson
2060002 - Tae Gong
2060003 - Melias
2060004 - Oannes
2060005 - Kenta
2060006 - Muse
2060007 - Calypso
2060008 - Gerrard
2060009 - Dolphin
2060100 - Carta
2060101 - Taeng the Explorer
2060102 - Door to the Warped Dimension
2070000 - Mr. Noh
2070001 - Bung"s Mama
2070002 - Moki
2070003 - Dori
2071000 - Chumji
2071001 - Hongbu
2071002 - Nolbu
2071003 - Chil Nam
2071004 - Kong Ji
2071005 - Chil Sung
2071006 - Swallow
团团冒险岛挺好的 良心不氪很肝