be located on 位于,坐落于be situated on 位于
由於=due to, because of,意思更像是原因。
on the ground that/ in condition that 是指条件,比如说:In condition that you do not have ample time 就是「基於你没有充足的时间」。
个人而言,我会翻译成 This is due to the excessive minor information that our brains are flooded with.
Nanchang subway real estate Co., LTD
或Nanchang subway properties Limited
信和置业有限公司(Sino Land Co.)
青岛佳豪置业有限公司The Qingdao good bold property Limited company
北京首都机场置业有限公司。Beijing Capital Airport Tourism Company Ltd.
广州市鸿盛置业有限公司Guangzhou Hongsheng Properties Limited
陕西旭邦置业有限公司 Shanxi Xubang Real Estate Company.
新疆中盈置业有限公司 Xinjiang surplus Ltd..
湖南XHL置业有限公司Hunan XHL Installing Company Limited
沈阳百益龙置业有限公司 Shenyang Lung Properties Limited benefits.
百益龙置业有限公司 Suzhou Yi Lung Properties Limited
上海海联置业有限公司 Shanghai Hailian Real Estate Co.
山东久久发置业有限公司Shandong long hair Properties Limited
上海恒石文道置业有限公司Shanghai Heng Shiwen Road Properties Limited
"on the ground that"和"in condition that"皆不适合用于此. 因为这两要前因后果一起在同一句出现.
例: We oppose to him being the leader, on the ground that he always plays favourites.
"on the ground that"是给予理由和原因, 但这比较少用于科学用句.
例: She accepted the position on condition that there would be opportunity for advancement.
"in condition that"其实应该是"on condition that".
"excessive"可用. "excessive"已有过多和多余的意思, 所以也表明那些信息并不重要.
次要并不等同"inferior" (低等, 乃贬义词), 所以不能用它.
This is due to the occupation of excessive information in the brain.
"occupation"除指职业以外, 也有占据的意思.
1 Hanson wants to get a business degree and become a manager.
2 You are so energetic and eager for knowledge.
3 I needn"t to tell ou that you have many difficult tasks before.
4 We are proud of studying in such a beautiful school
5 First of all,we should divide dogs and cats.
6 Please choose and be responsible for you dicisions and actions
我翻译了你不要逗,要采纳好吗?sun li:星期四英语课是什么时间? tom:让我看看英语九点到十点 sun li :下一堂课是什么?tom: 语文 , 科学课在8点 11-12点体育课 sun li:那下午第一节课是什么课呢? tom:下午?一点半我们有数学课,然后是历史 。 sun li :噢 抱歉汤姆 你能等一下吗?我还没拿到笔(还没记下来)
A:Hello ,I have never thought I could see you here .
B:Yes , long time no see.
A:I remember you were fatter before , but look healthier now .
B:Really ? I used to like eatiing fast food ,fried chicken and chips were my favorite .
A:Don"t you eat fast food now ? I can"t believ it .You were so crazy about it that we all believe you would love it forever.
B:In fact ,I still like it ,but half a year ago , I followed my doctor"s suggestion ,tried not to eat junk food.
A:You made a right decision ,I can imagine that how difficult to make this decision .What about now ?What do you eat ?
B:I pay more attention to a balanced diet , eat more vegetables and fruits , then I find that I begin to like them little by little.
A:That"s great .You can be more fit. My taste has not changed ,I always like salty and hot things.
B:I remember you most like eating hot food , Sichuan food was your best love in the past.
A:Yes ,I lose myself in that spicy feeling , it makes me excited .
B:But eating too hot food is harmful to your stomach , I think you should eat more light food ,and you will be more comfortable.
A:Perhaps you are right , every time after I eat very hot food , I feel as if a fire burnt in my belly , that feeling is so bad.
B:As a matter of fact , things that are too hot or too cold are not very good to stomach .But many people like very hot or very cold food , beacuse they can bring different feelings .
A:So we had better be careful not to eat so many too exciting things ,we should eat more vegetables and fruits , we should also eat some fish and mea properly.
B:My favorite fruit is cherry , it is so sweet that I can"t stop at all.
A:I prefer some juicy fruits, like oranges、 coconuts and so on. As for vegetables , I don"t like broccoli at all.
B:Why don"t you like it ?Broccoli is very nutritious , and is of benefit to your health . Eating broccoli can make you less sick.
A:Don"t you think broccoli has a strange taste ?It is really unpalatable. In contrast, I prefer potatoes and vegetables.
B:I like vgetables , too .I also like some fungi ,like mushrooms and so on.
A:Yes, fungi usually taste good .Soup with them makes people want to swallow their tongues.
B:Hearing what you said , I suddenly miss those delicious food!As though they were in front of my eyes.
A:Having said so long , I am a little hungry . I am not familiar with this area ,do you have some recommended good restaurants ?
B:Yes, there is one . There is a restaurant nearby , their dishes have full range and are delicious, and are also very healthy, because they do not have too much barbecue and
fried food.
A:Oh , let"s go , I could hardly wait to get there.
B:Me ,too. Let"s go .