
关于feeling或a strange dream的英文口语对话。。不少于两分钟。具体内容不限制,要与feeling有关就行。

a strange dreamA: Hi,Bob, you looks sleepy, didn"t you have a good rest last night.B:yeah, i didn"t sleep very well last night. i had a strange dream which made me sober all the night.A:what kind of dream?B:a very freightful dream! I dreamt that i was busying doing my homework. i kept doing a same thing which seems never would be finished.A: so you look so tired today.B:yeah, i have no idea why i had this kind of dream.A:in my opinion, you may be too nervious and tired about your work and you should give yourself a good rest.B:yeah, maybe.It"s time for me to have a holliday and have a good rest. thank you four your advice.bye!A:bye bye!

strangly beautiful什么意思

strangely beautiful奇怪的美丽strangely beautiful网络奇怪的美丽双语例句1But how strangely beautiful she looks, with those wild flowers in her hair! 她头发上戴着那些野花,显得她的模样漂亮得多么不平常啊!

Clearly not strangers, but withbetter than strang


What a strang noise怎么读

英文原文: What a strange noise 英式音标: [wɒt] [ə; eɪ] [streɪn(d)ʒ] [nɒɪz] 美式音标: [wɑt] [e] [strendʒ] [nɔɪz]

Strange Little Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Strange Little Girl歌手:The Stranglers专辑:Peaches - The Very Best Of The StranglersTORI AMOS"Strange Little Girl"by sississone day you see a strange little girl look at youone day you see a strange little girl feeling blueshe"d run to the town one dayleaving home and the country fairjust bewarewhen you"re therestrange little girlshe didn"t know how to live in a town that was roughit didn"t take long before she knew she had enoughwalking home in her wrapped up worldshe survived but she"s feeling oldand she found all things coldstrange little girlwhere are you going?strange little girlwhere are you going?Strang little girl, youI really should, youI really should, beGoingI know you are sureI know you are sureI knowI know you are sureone day you see a strange little girl look at youone day you see a strange little girl feeling bluewalking home in her wrapped up worldshe survived but she"s feeling oldcuz she found all things coldstrange little girlwhere are you going?strange little girlwhere are you going?Strang little girl, youI really should, youI really should, youI really shouldstrange little girlwhere are you going?strange little girlwhere are you going?Strang little girl, youI really should, youI really should, youI really shouldstrange little girlwhere are you going?strange little girlwhere are you going?Strang little girl, youI really should, youI really should, youI really should, youI really should, begoing

strang bird 的歌词?

分类: 音乐 问题描述: 波兰歌手Anita lipnicka 在Nieprzyzwoite Piosenki专辑中的作品。 解析: Anita Lipnicka Strange Bird by N/AYesterday I saw the ghost Of my shaded past He was standing by my window Looking kind of lost He said : you"re travelled through the oceans Of time and space Just to say I love you I still can"t fet? I didn"t even stop to listen I had my things to do So I just kept on walking Staring at my shoes I guess I didn"t have the courage To look him in the face Then I heard his voice Crying at my back And he said: You"re a strange bird You sang so sweet then you flew away You"re a weird flame You made me warm till I got burnt Oh! you"ll pay for this one day When I got home it was late at night Nothing on TV So I just dived into the silence With a cup of tea Somehow I couldn"t rest my mind When I was in bed I still heard these words Rattling in my head And he said: You"re a strange bird You sang so sweet then you flew away You"re a weird flame You made me warm till I got burnt Oh! you抣l pay for this one day I woke up early in the morning Blinded by the Sun I never felt so empty and so lonely In my life I"e left so many ghosts behind me Just to save my self Now I all alone And that the price I pay I a strange bird I sing so sweet then I fly away I a weird flame I"l make you warm Till you get burnt I just look for Love Does it make me bad? We all look for Love But it not always there

That was because I saw everything with the strang



be strange to... 对...感到陌生 jing如:He is quite strange to this book. rui

gilbert strang 线性代数有中文版吗

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是strangely enough还是strange enough

两种都都有,enough+名词,形容词或副词+enough,到底用strang还是strangely ,要看在句子中修饰什么(作什么成分)。


您好!strange 奇怪的、陌生的望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!


strange [streindʒ] a. 奇怪的,陌生的,生疏的,不熟悉的,不可思议的,外行的,不习惯的,外地的 词形变化比较级:strang·er, strang·est副 词:strange"ly常用短语strange particle 奇异粒子strange quark (粒子)奇异夸克英英解释3个形容词解释being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird[同] strange, unusual[反] familiar[例] a strange exaltation that was indefinablea strange fantastical mindwhat a strange sense of humor she hasrelating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world[同] foreign, strange[反] native[例] foreign nationsa foreign accenton business in a foreign citymore ... (1)being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird[同] strange, unusual[反] familiar[例] a strange exaltation that was indefinablea strange fantastical mindwhat a strange sense of humor she hasrelating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world[同] foreign, strange[反] native[例] foreign nationsa foreign accenton business in a foreign citynot known before[同] strange, unknown[例] used many strange wordssaw many strange faces in the crowddon"t let anyone unknown into the houseless...……参考例句His strange new hairstyle is the cause of much merriment. 他那新奇的发式成为笑柄。 There were some strange goings-on next door last night. 昨夜隔壁有些异常.His strange appearance struck terror into their hearts. 他那奇怪的外貌使他们感到害怕。I get a strange feeling about this every now and then. 我时常对这有一种奇怪的感觉。 It aroused strange primeval yearnings in him. 这使他产生了奇怪的、基于人类固有之本能的强烈欲望. He rested a curious gaze on the strange woman. 他好奇地盯着那个怪异的女人看。 A strange idea began to take shape in my mind. 一个奇怪的想法在我的脑海里萌生。 We debated the meaning of his strange behaviour. 我们讨论了他的怪异行为的含意。

StrAng3 终陌、 这个网名的含义。。。别跟我说没有具体意思。。

Strang意思是陌生的,冷淡的,奇怪的,3 我想指的是小三 那这个网名真的具有意义了话 我我想应该是: 两个人之间因为一些奇怪的问题纠结这个对放对我变的越来越冷淡让我感觉到陌生,终于到最后还是想选择分手。 这个 三 为什么放在了中间 我想是因为这是这场问题的核心出现了第三者 在中间是因为凸显 重中之重的意思 。 我想我表达的够清楚,也没人能超越我的意思了 请采纳!

introduction to linear algebra by gilbert strang.这本书有中文吗


emily strange 的全称是什么?含义是什么?

Emily Strange 是Emily的全名。Strange,怪异就是Emily的姓氏。除了来源于怪异家族,天生具有不合群、特立独行的共同品质,Emily还沉迷于一切神秘黑暗物质,热衷和古堡,骷髅头,蜘蛛,蝙蝠,死亡玫瑰一起出现。她永远13岁,很大程度是因为13这个数字在人们眼中代表着诅咒和厄运,就像她的黑猫一样。Emily甚至有一架预言机器叫“怪怪八颗球”(Oddisee 8-Ball)。总的说来,Emily信奉神秘主义,我们都可以这么说:Emily,是个不折不扣的小女巫。

StrAng3 终陌、 这个网名的含义。。。别跟我说没有具体意思。。


itseems strange

that the man should have lived充当的是句子的主语成分,也就是说这句话其实就是that the man should have lived seems strange.原句中的it是形式主语,替代的是后面长长的一串主语,并无实际意义

be strangto sb是什么意思?求帮忙

be strange to 对...来说,感到陌生;对...不熟悉(生疏,不习惯);对...感到奇怪.be strange to sb 就是对某人不熟悉或是感到奇怪,要结合上下文来判断。参考一下例句:This place is strange to me.这地方对我来说很陌生。Her sister is strange to country life.她的妹妹不习惯乡村生活。


adj. 奇怪的;陌生的;外行的adv. 奇怪地;陌生地,冷淡地n. (Strange)人名;(英)斯特兰奇;(瑞典、塞)斯特朗格


strange [streindʒ] a.奇怪的,陌生的,生疏的,不熟悉的,不可思议的,外行的,不习惯的,外地的 词形变化 比较级:strang·er,strang·est 副 词:strange"ly 常用短语 strange particle 奇异粒子 strange quark (粒子)奇异夸克 3个形容词解释 being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird [同] strange,unusual [反] familiar [例] a strange exaltation that was indefinable a strange fantastical mind what a strange sense of humor she has relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world [同] foreign,strange [反] native [例] foreign nations a foreign accent on business in a foreign city more ...(1) being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird [同] strange,unusual [反] familiar [例] a strange exaltation that was indefinable a strange fantastical mind what a strange sense of humor she has relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world [同] foreign,strange [反] native [例] foreign nations a foreign accent on business in a foreign city not known before [同] strange,unknown [例] used many strange words saw many strange faces in the crowd don"t let anyone unknown into the house less... …… 参考例句 His strange new hairstyle is the cause of much merriment. 他那新奇的发式成为笑柄. There were some strange goings-on next door last night. 昨夜隔壁有些异常. His strange appearance struck terror into their hearts. 他那奇怪的外貌使他们感到害怕. I get a strange feeling about this every now and then. 我时常对这有一种奇怪的感觉. It aroused strange primeval yearnings in him. 这使他产生了奇怪的、基于人类固有之本能的强烈欲望. He rested a curious gaze on the strange woman. 他好奇地盯着那个怪异的女人看. A strange idea began to take shape in my mind. 一个奇怪的想法在我的脑海里萌生. We debated the meaning of his strange behaviour. 我们讨论了他的怪异行为的含意.


strong 是强壮、浓烈、坚固的意思,strong power,strong man没有strang这个词的,只有strange,解释为陌生的生疏的,奇怪的


形容词 adj.1.陌生的; 生疏的 He stood in a strange street.他站在一条陌生的街道上。2.奇异的; 奇怪的; 奇特的; 异常的 It"s strange to see even a single fly in our city.在我们城市里哪怕就看到一只苍蝇, 也是一件怪事。3.疏远的, 冷淡的4.外国的, 异乡的5.不自在的, 不相称的