
  1. 在2003年中国机器人大赛RoboCup仿真组比赛中云麓队获得了二等奖。

    These strategies have been applied to CSU_Yunlu soccer simulation team , which participated in the Chinese Robot Competition ' 2003 and was awarded second prize .

  2. 论文作者将以上防守策略应用到中南大学云麓队中。这支仿真队伍参加了马斯特杯2003年中国机器人大赛及研讨会,并荣获仿真组二等奖。

    Adopting the defence strategies advanced in this article , CSU_YunLu2003 , which participated in the Chinese Robot Competition ' 2003 , has been awarded second prize .

  3. 本课题以中国机器人大赛为平台,针对大赛中的武术擂台赛仿人组的比赛任务对机器人的控制系统进行了研究和设计。

    Based on China Robot Competition , this thesis designed a kind of robot control system , which is looked forward to be performance well in Robot Martial Arts Challenge Cup .