
  • Sports Culture Model;【体】patterns of sport culture
  1. 社会阶层差异中的休闲体育文化模式

    Leisure Sports Culture Models in Different Social Strata

  2. 从价值观、自然条件、经济方式、社会体制等方面讨论了中国古代丝绸之路地区民族体育的文化模式及类型,指出了它的独特性。

    From the aspects of cultural value , natural condition , economic mode and social system , the paper discussed the modes and types of ancient Chinese sports culture of the minorities in the Silk Road area , and pointed out its unique characteristic as well .

  3. 归纳出我国民族传统体育文化传承的模式。

    The inductive mode of inheritance of Chinese traditional sports culture in China .

  4. 目前我国民族传统体育文化传承的模式有五种:生活方式传承、军事传承、竞技传承、学校教育传承、社会教育传承。

    Current mode of inheritance of Chinese traditional sports culture in China there are five : competitive inheritance way of passing on , military heritage , inheritance , social studies , school education heritage .

  5. 文章对体育文化以及与体育文化相关的体育文化模式、体育文化冲突、体育文化交流和体育文化丛几个概念给出具体分析。

    A definite analysis is given on some concepts such as sports culture , sports cultural models , sports cultural conflicts , sports cultural exchanges and the cluster of sports culture .

  6. 根据我国民族传统体育文化的定义、起源、传承特点与现状,提出了我国民族传统体育文化的传承模式,为剖析我国民族传统体育文化产业寻找其问题的根源。

    According to the definition of national traditional sports culture in China , the origin , transmission characteristics and current situation and proposed mode of inheritance of Chinese traditional sports culture , for the analysis of Chinese traditional sport culture industry to find the root of the problem .