
bǎo jié
  • cleaning;P&G;Procter & Gamble
  1. 铺了瓷砖的厨房地板便于保洁。

    Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean .

  2. 他在这附近干过各种零碎的保洁工作。

    He had various odd cleaning jobs around the place

  3. 我一直在给保洁部门施加压力,要求他们更换那些垃圾箱的盖子。

    I have been putting pressure onto the Cleansing Services to replace those dustbin lids

  4. 我过去在医院里做保洁员。

    I used to work as a cleaner in a hospital .

  5. 运用PDCA循环提高手术室保洁工作管理质量

    Effect of PDCA cycle management used in cleaning work of operating room

  6. 2003年暑假期间,我在KFC找到了一份保洁员的兼职工作。

    During my summer holiday in2003 , I found a part-time job as a cleaner in KFC .

  7. 保洁公司(ProcterGambleCo.)利用这种更廉价的动物脂肪替代品,推出了Crisco蔬菜起酥油。

    Procter Gamble Co. took advantage of the cheaper alternative to animal fat , introducing Crisco vegetable shortening .

  8. 据日本媒体报道,主营办公室安保和保洁的大成公司将同无人机制造商“蓝色创新”和电信公司NTTEast联手研发这款无人机。

    According to Japanese media , office security and cleaning firm Taisei will develop the device with drone maker Blue Innovation and telecommunications company NTT East .

  9. 保洁公司(Procter&GambleCo.)利用这种更廉价的动物脂肪替代品,推出了Crisco蔬菜起酥油。

    Procter & Gamble Co. took advantage of the cheaper alternative to animal fat , introducing Crisco vegetable shortening .

  10. 以保洁公司研发的Optéwand为例,这款化妆品打印机今年在拉斯维加斯举行的消费类电子产品展览会上亮相。

    Take the Opt é wand from Proctor and Gamble ( P & G ) , a make-up printer unveiled at this year 's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas .

  11. 掌控公司称,他们要打造的并不是“用来召集打手的优步(Uber)”,而是一款跟Magic很像的礼宾服务应用软件,用户可以通过它跟提供快递、保洁等服务的人员接洽。

    Rather than create an " Uber for Assault , " Joke said it had intended to create a concierge service , much like the app Magic , which allows users to negotiate for services like deliveries and housecleaning .

  12. 两名研究人员——耶鲁大学的艾米·沃兹涅夫斯基(AmyWrzesniewski)和如今为密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)杰出荣休教授的珍·达顿(JaneDutton)——想要弄明白为何一家大医院的某些保洁员比其他人更有干劲。

    Two researchers - Amy Wrzesniewski of Yale and Jane Dutton , now a distinguished emeritus professor at the University of Michigan - wanted to figure out why particular janitors at a large hospital were so much more enthusiastic than others .

  13. 分析了STS鄄1200型拖挂式扫路机的机理,结合实际应用情况,探讨了采用双滚刷接力抛掷提升垃圾,完成道路路面清扫保洁,垃圾集中转移。

    An analysis on the working mechanism of a kind of STS-1200 trailer road sweeper is carried out . The capacity of the rolling brush lift rubbish by relaying for road surface cleaning , rubbish transport and collection are discussed through practical use .

  14. 加入这股潮流的除了面向司机和专业人士的市场平台,还有提供所谓“按需”服务的公司,包括提供食品杂货服务的Instacart、提供家庭保洁的Handy,以及提供几乎各种跑腿服务的TaskRabbit。

    Along with marketplaces for drivers and professionals , companies jumping on this bandwagon include those providing so-called " on-demand " services , from Instacart ( grocery shopping ) to Handy ( home cleaning ) and Task Rabbit ( for an almost limitless range of small errands ) .

  15. 因此,这种新技术很适合在0.4m/s以上的低流速传热设备中用来自动清洗保洁和传热强化以及节能。

    So , this new technique is fit for auto-cleanout , thermal conducting strengthening and economy energy in low flowing velocity heat exchanger which velocity of flow is above 0.4m/s .

  16. 阐述了纳米疏水硅沸石FX-2在复合功能纺织材料上的保洁功能,详细研讨了FX-2保洁非织造布采用后处理加工的制备方法。

    This article elaborates the keeping-clean impact of nano-hydrophobic silicone zeolite FX-2 on complex functional textile mate - rial , explores the preparation method in which after-treatment of Fx-2 clean-keeping non-woven fabric is adopted .

  17. “记住保安和保洁的名字。”

    • " know security guards , cleaners by name . "

  18. 接下来,约翰和贝基买下了一个办公室保洁公司。

    Next , John and Becky bought a small office-cleaning business .

  19. 我院保洁工作的调查与评价

    Cleaning Work in Our Hospital : An Investigation and Analysis

  20. 陶器与木器容易保洁。

    Earthenware has an advantage over wood in being easily kept clean .

  21. 展期的展场保卫及清洁保洁工作、展馆照明。

    Offer the service of guarding , cleaning and lighting .

  22. 还有那些律师,律师助理,保洁工人

    the assistants , the paralegals , the janitorial staff ?

  23. 悬挂式肥皂保洁袋的研制与应用

    Making and application of underslung cleaning-keeping bag for holding soap

  24. 医院内保洁人员自我防护的调查

    Self-protective Situation of Medical Dustmen : An Investigation and Analysis

  25. 餐具保洁柜消毒效果及影响因素的观察

    Observation on disinfection efficacy of tableware cleaning protector and its influencing factors

  26. 包括生物修复、水域保洁的水环境维护及长效管理。

    Long-term river management which concludes river bioremediation and water area cleaning .

  27. 手术室保洁人员岗前培训管理

    Pre - Service Training of Cleaning Workers in Operating Room

  28. 基层医院外聘保洁人员的职业危害调查与防护

    Survey and Protection of Occupational Risks among Cleaner Employee in Grass-roots Hospitals

  29. 清洁和保洁剂结合使用改善毛布使用效果

    Combine on Line Cleaning and Cleanliness Maintaining to Improve the Felt Condition

  30. 该产品具有优良的除臭和保洁能力;

    The production has strong deodorization and decontamination capability .