
  • 网络land ownership;land tenure
  1. 传统土地所有制有效管理了个部族的土地分配,确保了农牧民之间的合作。

    Traditional land tenure effective management the land allocation of the tribes and to ensure cooperation between the farmers and pastoralists .

  2. 我国特有的城市土地所有制使得我们国家的城市房屋拆迁制度也区别于其他任何国家和地区。

    Because of the special land tenure our urban house removal system is different from any of the other countries .

  3. 在一些国家,土地所有制的不公平是显而易见的。

    Obvious that land ownership in some countries is unfair .

  4. 埃及的小土地所有制及其对农业发展的影响

    The small plots ownership in Egypt and its influences upon Agricultural Development

  5. 土地所有制的变化为农业资本主义发展提供了直接条件。

    The change of land ownership offered a direct condition .

  6. 改革农村土地所有制的思路

    The train of thought about the reform in the rural land ownership

  7. 这是大不列颠土地所有制发展的一个特征。

    This was a feature of agrarian development in Britain .

  8. 农村土地所有制的现实问题及其影响

    The Problems of Land Ownership Existing in the Country

  9. 论清代蒙古社会的土地所有制

    On Mongolian System of Land Ownership in Qing Dynasty

  10. 论我国农村经济发展与土地所有制的创新

    On the Innovation of the National Rural Economy Development and the Ownership System of Land

  11. 当前理论界关于我国农村土地所有制的改革有四种方案。

    There are four reforming plans about our rural land ownership in the theoretical circle .

  12. 论汉代土地所有制的结构和运动

    On the construction and movement of the ownership system on land in the Han Dynasty

  13. 而汉朝的分封制度是建立在封建土地所有制基础之上,是剖裂疆土的分封。

    But the Han Dynasty enfeoffs the system is the establishment above the feudalism land ownership foundation .

  14. 他为政府机构重新命名、取消奴隶法、禁止土地所有制并垄断了工业和商业。

    He renamed offices , outlawed slavery , limited land holdings and monopolized both industry and commerce .

  15. 白色革命摧毁了伊朗乡村传统的封建土地所有制,进而推动了工业化和城市化的进程。

    The White Revolution smashed traditional feudal land ownership in rural Iran and quickened industrialization and urbanization .

  16. 简言之,亚洲传统的土地所有制结构在欧洲殖民化之前早就在农村村社周围形成了。

    Briefly , the traditional Asian agrarian structure before European colonization was organized around the village community .

  17. 构建村集体土地所有制

    Building Village Land Collective Ownership

  18. 东魏北齐国家的权力结构与豪族大土地所有制

    Country Power Structure and Wealthy and Powerful Family Large-scale Land Ownership in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi Dynasties

  19. 笔者认为土地所有制首先是一个经济问题,其次才是一种法律制度。

    The writer think it is an economic problem first , then is a kind of law problem in order .

  20. 我国农村土地所有制改革的方向应该是坚持并完善农村土地集体所有制。

    The direction of the ownership reform of rural land is to insist and improve the collective ownership of rural land .

  21. 此时的土地所有制是公私并存的,但国家公有占主导,土地经营方式也是中小型。

    Land ownership is the coexistence of public and private , national public dominant land management is also small and medium-sized .

  22. 有人认为,中共最终认识到了提高农业发展水平的关键是解决土地所有制的问题。

    Some believe that , at long last , the party has recognised that the key to agricultural improvement is land ownership .

  23. 首先是由于德意志邦国体制的限制,邦国的议会受到领主土地所有制的制约;

    First , subjecting to severe limitation of the territorial states , the Germany Landtag was enslaved to the seigniorial land ownership .

  24. 清代山东是个农业大省,但是农业时常处于危机之中,造成这种状况的根本原因是封建土地所有制这种土地制度。

    Shandong in the Qing dynasty is a backward big area in agriculture , and it 's agriculture was often putin crisis .

  25. 其次,根据物权理论,实现农民土地所有制,只是对农民土地所有权的重新确认,不存在法律上的障碍。

    Secondly , according to things right theory , to realize land ownership of peasant , do not have the obstacle on law .

  26. 深化我国的地权改革,首先要明晰集体土地所有制下,农民与集体之间的产权关系及其各自的产权权能。

    Deepening the reform of land ownership system in our country , firstly we must make land ownership clear between farmers and collective .

  27. 其后,随着社会经济的进一步发展和中央集权封建土地所有制的加强,牙人的中介职能逐渐得到扩大,以至于活跃在商品贸易流通的所有中间环节。

    Thereafter , with the development of social economy and strengthen of centralization of land tenure , functions of Yaren has greatly increased .

  28. 麦地那国家土地所有制的广泛建立,导致吉玛人对于穆斯林的群体依附状态。

    With the establishment of the land ownership by state , the relations of dependence for Dhimmis to the Medina state were fixed .

  29. 中华文明近代一度衰落是由于:地主土地所有制阻碍了工业经济发展;

    They are as follows : ( 1 ) the system of landlord 's ownership of land hindered the development of industrial economy .

  30. 由于封建土地所有制的统治,使商品经济无法得到快速发展,宪政也难以产生。

    Because of the domination of feudal land ownership , commodity economy cannot get quick development and the constitutionalism is hard to come out .