
  • 网络Education Foundation;educational foundation;FEE
  1. 本文在国际购物中心协会教育基金会(ICSCEF)的资助下,对上海市购物中心发展模式做了较为深入的探讨。

    Funded by International Council of Shopping Centers Education Foundation ( ICSCEF ), this thesis examines the development patterns of shopping centers in Shanghai as well as their impacts on the restructuring of the city 's commercial landscape .

  2. 泛美卫生和教育基金会网站-英文

    Pan American Health and Education Foundation ( PAHEF ) web site

  3. 乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)留出了在金融赌博中获得的一部分利润,用于资助教育基金会和做其它善事。

    George Soros sets aside a proportion of the profits from his financial gambles to fund educational foundations and other good works .

  4. GailWilensky是国际卫生教育基金会HOPE项目高级研究员。

    Gail Wilensky is a senior fellow at Project HOPE , an international health education foundation .

  5. 亚裔美国人法律辩护与教育基金会(AsianAmericanLegalDefenseandEducationFund)的一项研究显示,费城唐人街受到的冲击尤其明显,不少投资者涌入那里大举购买周边的豪宅,推高了房地产价格和房租。

    The Chinatown in Philadelphia is particularly exposed to an influx of investors buying up surrounding luxury developments which is pushing up property prices and rents , according to a study by the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund .

  6. 美中教育基金会学术委员会CNI教学标准。

    The CNI course is designed according to the standards the of ACEF academic committee .

  7. 英格兰高等教育基金会(HEFCE)之组织学研究

    Research on Higher Education Founding Council for England ( HEFCE ) Based on Organization Theory

  8. 发展大学教育基金会,促进大学教育捐赠

    Developing Educational Foundation of Universities and Promoting Educational Donation to Universities

  9. 里查德·艾伯林,经济教育基金会主席。

    Richard Ebeling is president of the Foundation for Economic Education .

  10. 谢谢你们一直以来对海外中国教育基金会的支持和帮助。

    Thank you for your ongoing support to OCEF 's cause .

  11. 教育基金会情报中心

    On Competitive Intelligence Education in the Information Society ; Foundation centre

  12. 影响中国大学教育基金会发展的若干因素研究

    Study on the Influential Factors of Development of Chinese University Education Foundation

  13. 服务社会医疗和教育基金会

    Service of Society ( SOS ) Medical and Educational Foundation

  14. 教育基金会正是这样一种重要的筹资渠道。

    Education foundation is one of the important channels .

  15. 我国高校教育基金会的现状分析与发展路径选择

    Current Conditions , Problems and Development Patterns of Education Foundations of Chinese Colleges

  16. 大学教育基金会与大学战略发展关系探析

    Higher education fund and strategic development of universities

  17. 我想成立一个教育基金会。

    I wanted to start an education foundation .

  18. 她为了纪念她母亲而设立了一个教育基金会。

    Eg1 : She set up an educational fund in memory of her mother .

  19. 书面的十字架明确“圣召暨教育基金会”的性质。

    The cross on the book illustrates the character of " vocation and education fund " .

  20. 但来自礁石环境教育基金会的拉德.埃金斯称,蓑鲉(狮子鱼)已经出现在加勒比海的一些餐馆菜单上了。

    But Akins says lionfish already is on the menu in some restaurants in the Caribbean .

  21. 今天亚洲协会和美中教育基金会将我们聚集在一起,我对此表示感谢。

    I thank the Asia Society and the US-China education foundation for bring us together today .

  22. 宇宙空间教育基金会

    Aerospace Education Foundation crystallographic space groups

  23. 请填妥此表格连同支票寄回逸挥教育基金会,以便奉上正式收据。

    Please send your cheque together with this form to our office for an official receipt .

  24. 根据其教育基金会,清华大学如今通过征集获赠数亿人民币。

    According to its education foundation , the university is now soliciting hundreds of millions of yuan in gifts .

  25. 丹尼斯?麦格诺是贫血研究与教育基金会的负责人,这是一个设在加利福尼亚旧金山的非赢利机构。

    Dennis Mangano heads the Ischemia Research and education foundation , a nonprofit organization in San francisco , california .

  26. 惟有如此,才能进一步地增强大学教育基金会的运作空间,提高大学教育基金会的运作能力。

    Only in this way , the operation space and operating ability of the fund could be enlarged and improved .

  27. 从个案研究中国非营利组织评估现状&以大学教育基金会为例

    A Case Study on the Current Situation of Chinese Non-profit Organization Evaluation & Take the University Education Foundation as an Example

  28. 即内部城市教育基金会,是于1994年一名有眼光的私立学校教师迈克·皮斯科创立的。

    ICEF , or the Inner City Educational Foundation , was founded in1994 by a visionary private school teacher , Michael Piscal .

  29. 清华大学教育基金会接受捐赠情况分析及思考高等教育募捐:美国加州大学的做法与启示

    A Survey of Endowment Raised by Tsinghua Foundation ; Higher Education Donations : the Characteristics of University of California and Its Inspiration

  30. 霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年先生基金(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education Institutions of China ( Grant No. ) .