
mó kuài xìng
  • modularity
模块性[mó kuài xìng]
  1. 此模块性还允许单独处理Web服务部分。

    This modularity further allows portions of the web service to be processed separately .

  2. 这种模块性级别比标准Java允许的粒度要细的多。

    This level of modularity is much more fine-grained than standard Java allows .

  3. 该系统具有良好的可扩展性和模块性。直接序列扩频系统解扩模块FPGA实现

    FPGA implementation of the despreading module in direct-sequence spread-spectrum system

  4. DB2认证计划特别好的一点在于其模块性。

    A really nice feature of the DB2 certification program is its modularity .

  5. 结论基于面向对象XML文档的面向方面定义方式减少了XML文档定义中代码的重复,提高文档定义的模块性和可移植性。

    The results show that it reduces the code redundance of the XML document definitions , and obtain better modularity and portability .

  6. 在这种情况下,可以利用Geronimo的模块性,通过删除Web容器去掉这个应用程序。

    In that case , you can take advantage of Geronimo 's modularity and strip it down by removing the Web container .

  7. 反之,OSGi和Web应用程序可以在WebSphereApplicationServer中部署为OSGi簇(bundle),以提高其重用性,同时提供模块性。

    In turn , OSGi and Web applications can be deployed as OSGi bundles in the WebSphere Application Server , increasing reuse while providing modularity .

  8. 除了使测试变得更简单之外,DI还有助于提高代码的总体模块性和可维护性。

    In addition to making tests easier , DI also helps your code 's overall modularity and maintainability .

  9. 复杂系统的近似模块性与企业竞争优势&基于NK模型的仿真实验

    Near Modularity in Complex Systems and the Competitive Advantage of Firms : A Simulation Experiment Based on NK Model

  10. 除非缓存大量数据是关键的,去掉随机操作的好处是双重的:提高软件模块性,释放服务器上的CPU时间。

    Unless caching huge amounts is critical , the benefits of offloading randomization are twofold : improved software modularity and freed CPU time on the server .

  11. SW榕树网络具有控制简单、分块性、模块性、可扩展性都根好等优点。

    SW banyan networks have a number of advantages include simplicity of control , partitionability , modularity and expandability .

  12. 而经过对JDK的结构进行适当调整后,其模块性会有显著的上升空间。

    And after appropriate adjustments for the structure , its modularity show significant upside potential .

  13. 由于该结构的规则性(regularity)和模块性(modularity),它可以被高效地应用在语音、图像、和视频编码的VLSI实现中。

    This new architecture can be efficiently applied in VLSI implementation of speech , image , and video coding because of the structural regularity and modularity .

  14. 用带有对象的Petri网对列车群运行进行建模,具有规模小、灵活、直观、模块性好、可操作性良好、属性描述方便、有利于不确定性问题的处理等优点;

    The model of train operation Petri net with objects has small scale and the advantages in flexibility , readability , modularization , operability , attribute describing , uncertainty processing etc.

  15. 企业OSGi将OSGi的模块性原理和基础设施与用于企业应用程序及其运行的服务器环境的一个熟悉的JavaEE编程模型结合起来。

    Enterprise OSGi combines the modularity principles and infrastructure of OSGi with a familiar Java EE programing model for enterprise applications and the server environments in which they run .

  16. 企业组织的模块性能够很好地适应用户的DIY需求,因而能够很好地解决市场的不确定性问题。

    The modularity of firm organization can adjust themselves to the user 's DIY needs , therefore can deal with market uncertainty very well .

  17. 本文从用户DIY的角度出发,认为产品的模块性是这个消费模式得以实现的条件;

    This paper starts the analysis from the perspective of DIY ( do it yourself ), which is attributed to the modularity of products .

  18. 波SCF完全保持了波数字滤波器所特有的灵敏度低、动态范围大、稳定性好、模块性强等许多优点。

    In addition , the wave switched capacitor filters are showing the excellent behaviors such as low sensitivity , large dynamic range , good stability and high modularity .

  19. 多年以来,面向对象编程(Object-orientedprogramming,OOP)作为软件开发领域的主要编程范式,大大提高了软件代码的模块性、可重用性,降低了软件的复杂度以及软件的维护成本。

    As the main programming paradigm of software development for many years , Object-Oriented Programming ( OOP ) has greatly improved the modularity , reusability of software codes and reduced the complexity of software and its maintenance cost .

  20. 通过分析我们发现,随着JDK的发展演化,其系统结构的复杂性增加,导致其模块性呈下降趋势。

    Through analysis we found that the complexity of system was increasing with the development and evolution of JDK , leading to a downward trend in its modularity .

  21. 尽管实际上PyQt版本对于这个基本程序并不更简单,但是它已经演示了PyQt应用程序更好的模块性和可维护性。

    While the PyQt version is not really simpler for this basic program , it already demonstrates the better modularity and maintainability of PyQt applications .

  22. 本文通过仿真实验,确定了算法中各参数的取值,分析了算法的时间复杂度,并在水电仿真开发平台v3.0中对算法进行了模块性实验。

    This research determined the values of the parameters of the algorithm , analyzed the time consumption degree , and carried out module experiment in hydropower simulation development platform v3.0 .

  23. 虽然真正的应用程序不会这么短,但是从代码的清晰性、模块性和可管理性来说,Libglade带来了巨大的提高。

    Although real applications won 't be that short , Libglade gives you tremendous gains in terms of the legibility , modularity , and maintainability of your code .

  24. JSR277最近开放了邮件列表,从里面的讨论中可以看出,似乎他们仍然被一些基本的模块性问题所困扰。

    JSR277 recently opened up the mailing list , taking a look at the discussions it seems that they are still struggling with some of the basics of modularity .

  25. 每种模式提供的模块性和扩展性在程度上各有不同。

    Each of them offers various degrees of modularity and extensibility .

  26. 这保留了在书写和细化人工测试时所发现的模块性。

    This retains the modularity discovered while writing and refining manual tests .

  27. 该监控程序具有较好的模块性、可扩展性与可移植性。

    This monitor possesses good modularity , expansibility and portability .

  28. 目标是逐渐分离系统并改进其模块性。

    The goal is to gradually decouple the system and improve its modularity .

  29. 正是心理的模块性(如语言模块、生物模块、心理理解模块等)使得表面上看起来的文化差异下面存在着普遍性人性。

    It is modularity of mind that makes human universals underneath apparent culture difference .

  30. 这保持了自动化测试中的模块性。

    This preserves modularity in your automated tests .