
  • 网络Independent coordinate system
  1. 利用TGO建立独立坐标系的一种方法

    A Kind of Method to Establish Independent Coordinate System by Means of TGO

  2. 基于独立坐标系相邻地形图的拼接处理

    Jointing of Contiguous Topographic Maps Based on Independent Coordinate System

  3. 利用GPS建立地方独立坐标系

    Founding Local Coordinate System by GPS Survey

  4. 应用GPS建立区域独立坐标系中椭球变换的研究

    Study of the Ellipsoid Transformation on the Establishment of Local Independence Coordinate System Using GPS Technique

  5. 阐述了在应用GPS技术建立区域独立坐标系过程中的椭球变换问题。

    This paper discusses the ellipsoid transformation problem in the establishment of local independence coordinate reference system using GPS technique .

  6. 由于无法获取独立坐标系的椭球、投影等相关参数,直接使用GPS就有困难。

    It is difficult to directly employ the GPS owing to the inaccessibility of the ellipsoidal parameters and projection parameters of the independent coordinate systems .

  7. 高速铁路测量建立独立坐标系的数学模型

    The Mathematical Models of Establishing Independent Coordinate System for High-speed Railway Surveying

  8. 独立坐标系向高斯坐标系转换的研究

    Research about independent coordinate system conversion from Gaussian coordinate system

  9. 第三项坐标是高程。区域性独立坐标系与三维地心坐标系的转换

    Transformation Between Three-Dimension Geocentric Coordinate System and Independent Coordinate System

  10. 城市独立坐标系下似中央子午线的确定

    The Calculation of the Approximately Central Meridian in the Urban Independent Coordinate System

  11. 分段独立坐标系在带状地物变形监测的应用

    The Application of Subsection Independent Coordinates in the Large Strip Objects Deformation Monitoring

  12. 台州市首级平面控制网改造与独立坐标系的建立

    Reconstruction of First Grade Horizontal Control Network and Establishment of Independent Coordinate System in Taizhou

  13. 沂源县城区独立坐标系及基本控制网的建立

    Establishment about Independent Coordinate System and Basic Control Net on City Zone in Yiyuan County

  14. 阐述了应用椭球变换建立区域独立坐标系的方法。

    This paper discussed the method of establishing local independent coordinate system through Ellipsoid transformation .

  15. 某城市独立坐标系与1954北京坐标系转换方案

    Method of Converting Interactively Coordinates from a Independent Coordinate System to Beijing Geodetic Coordinate System 1954

  16. 区域性独立坐标系与三维地心坐标系的转换分段独立坐标系在带状地物变形监测的应用

    Transformation Between Three-Dimension Geocentric Coordinate System and Independent Coordinate System The Application of Subsection Independent Coordinates in the Large Strip Objects Deformation Monitoring

  17. 通过对地方独立坐标系的分析,结合实际工作的需求,对建立地方统一坐标系的原则和方法进行了探讨。

    By analyzing the local independent coordinate system and combining actual working requirement , this paper discusses the principle and method to establish local unified coordinate system .

  18. 文章对晋城矿区由矿区独立坐标系改用部定3°带平面坐标系后引起的边长影响进行了分析和计算,提出了应采取的对策及相关注意事项。

    This article has analyzed the influence on the length after changing the independent coordinate system to 3 ° plane coordinate system and proposed some measures and things should be noted .

  19. 在此基础上,应用机器视觉技术和图像处理技术实现两个独立坐标系中待测角度的准确、稳定而快速的非接触式测量。

    On this basis , the non-contact measurement with the application of machine vision technology and digital image processing technology in two independent measuring coordinates can be achieved accurately , stably and rapidly .

  20. 论述了建立独立坐标系时中央子午线及投影面的选择与各地区投影长度变形值的关系,说明了尽量利用原有坐标系统的重要性。

    The relation between central meridian projection plane choice and the distortion value of projection length of areas was discoursed on , and then the essentiality to make use of intrinsic coordinate system was explained .

  21. 有些地区使用独立坐标系,独立坐标系和我国工程界广泛使用的BJS-54坐标系之间的换算关系一般是保密的。

    Independent coordinate systems are used in some regions . The relationship of conversion between such independent coordinates and the BJS 54 coordinate system , widely used in China 's engineering field , is generally confidential .

  22. GPS坐标与地方独立测量坐标系的转换问题研究

    Research on the Coordinate System Transformation Problem Between GPS Coordinate System and Regional Independent Coordinate System

  23. 给出的坐标变换法可与相应的跟踪算法结合,得到独立的地理坐标系下的天波超视距雷达跟踪算法。

    The track algorithm for Over-the-Horizon-Radar in ground coordinate can be given by combing the transformation with the corresponding tracking algorithm .