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  • bioethics
  1. 曼彻斯特大学(UniversityofManchester)生物伦理学教授约翰•哈里斯(JohnHarris)则比较放松。

    John Harris , a bioethics professor at the University of Manchester , is more sanguine .

  2. 约翰·霍普金斯大学伯曼生物伦理学研究所(JohnsHopkinsBermanInstituteofBioethics)主任鲁斯·R·费登(RuthR.Faden)说,孩子特别需要保护。“首先,因为他们的健康很依赖我们,其次因为童年时期健康受损的影响非常大,”她说。

    Ruth R. Faden , director of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics , said children have a special claim to protection . " First , because they are so dependent on us for their well-being , and second because deprivations in childhood have such an outsize effect , " she said .

  3. 专业的生物伦理学界的许多人对这份宣言不以为然。

    Many in the professional bioethics community have been less impressed .

  4. 最近,在生物伦理学的国际会议中很流行这个概念。

    The concept has of late acquired widespread currency in international conventions within bioethics .

  5. 生物伦理学先驱&阿尔贝特·施韦泽

    Albert Schweitzer as a Pioneer of Bioethics

  6. 作者是知名的生物伦理学专家

    written by an important bioethicist .

  7. 这份宣言是联合国教科文组织提出和通过的第三个关于生物伦理学的宣言。

    The declaration is the third text on bioethics to be developed and adopted by UNESCO .

  8. 这是1968年出版的大西洋月刊,美国的自由主义之声,作者是知名的生物伦理学专家。

    This one is from 1968-The Atlantic Monthly , voice of liberal America-written by an important bioethicist .

  9. 这些科研人员常常是在生态学、进化生物学或生物伦理学方面几乎没有受过训练的工程师。

    Often , these researchers are engineers with little training in ecology , evolutionary biology or bioethics .

  10. 这种生物伦理学是面向实践的伦理学,也是情境伦理学;

    Schweitzer ′ s bioethics pertaining to all living beings is both a practice-oriented ethics and a situation ethics .

  11. 在1997年宣布多莉诞生不久,他主持国家生物伦理学顾问委员会完成了一份关于克隆的报告。

    He chaired the National Bioethics Advisory Commission which completed a report on cloning shortly after Dolly 's birth was announced in 1997 .

  12. 该研究的首席作者玛格丽特医生说,她是威斯康星大学外科和生物伦理学的助理教授。

    Schwarze , lead author of the study and an assistant professor of surgery and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison .

  13. 本文对这两个问题进行了分析,特别对受体的免疫反应,动物肝细胞的生理功能及替代人体肝脏的能力,可能感染的人畜共患疾病以及生物伦理学等问题展开了讨论。

    This paper analyses these two problems , and especially discusses the immunologic reaction to recipients , the physiological function of animal liver cells and their capability of substituting human livers , probably infected zoonosis , as well as bioethics on bioartificial livers .

  14. 现代生物技术及其伦理学思考

    The Modern Bio - technology and View of Ethics

  15. 但他警告说尝试创造合成生物体会增加伦理学方面的担忧。

    But he cautioned that attempts to create synthetic organisms raise some ethical concerns .