
  • 网络Nerve impulse;neural impulses
  1. 大脑只侦测神经脉冲

    Brains only detect nerve impulses .

  2. 神经脉冲传递中的非线性微分方程组解的存在性和唯一性

    Existence and uniqueness of solution for the systems of non-linear differential equations related to the transmission of nerve impulses

  3. 在适宜频率、超阈值强度的振动刺激下,Herbst小体能以1:1的方式作出反应,即相对于每次正弦波振动刺激都有一个锁相的神经脉冲产生。

    When supra-threshold vibrational stimuli of adequate frequencies were applied , the Herbst corpuscle could fire in a regular one-to-one fashion , namely , one phase-locked spike per sine wave .

  4. 基于序空间的神经脉冲编码研究及应用

    Research and Application on Neural Spiking Coding Based on Order Space

  5. 含损耗神经脉冲传输的耦合孤波特性

    Characteristics of coupled solitary waves in nerve impulse transmission with dissipation

  6. 抗胆碱酯类药物可刺激神经脉冲传送,皮质类固醇也有帮助。

    Anticholinesterase drugs stimulate nerve-impulse transmission , and corticosteroids may help .

  7. 神经脉冲传导的一种解与动作势的稳定性

    One Type of Solutions of Conduction of Nervous Pulses and the Stability of Action Potential

  8. 模拟膈神经脉冲电刺激促进周围神经再生的研究

    A study of promoting regeneration of peripheral nerve with simulated bioelectrical impulse of phrenic nerve

  9. 神经脉冲也能从相反的方向传递信息,比如说从大脑到肌肉。

    They also carry messages in the other direction , from the brain to the muscles .

  10. 神经脉冲传输的消失

    The Disappearence of Nerve Impulse Transmission

  11. 滞迟神经脉冲振荡器

    Hysteretic Neural Pulse Oscillators

  12. 这些联合神经元的神经脉冲能够对视觉形象和其他知觉做出最好地解释。

    The nerve pulses of these cell units can make out the best explanation of visual form and other aesthesia .

  13. 下丘脑与垂体通讯有时候要通过神经脉冲,有时则通过它所分泌的激素。

    Head issueing grave and hypophysis communication should pass nerve pulse occasionally , carry hormone of its place excretive sometimes .

  14. 结论腰骶部背根神经脉冲射频对神经根性疼痛有治疗作用。

    Conclusion The use of pulsed radiofrequency in the treatment of lumbosacral radicular pain appears to be effective and safe .

  15. 相比之下,最快的神经脉冲通过手臂长度的距离要花5毫秒。

    To put that in perspective , it takes aboutfive milliseconds for the fastest nerve impulse to travel the length of thearm .

  16. 人体控制呼吸和心跳等有规律的运动功能是靠周期性的神经脉冲,因此,研究神经网络中的周期解具有现实意义。

    The periodic nature of neural impulses is of fundamental significance in the control of regular dynamical functions such as breathing and heart beating .

  17. 神经脉冲能够把周边环境的信息传输到大脑中,例如,当你脚趾被绊了一下时,你就会感到疼。

    Nerve impulses carry messages from the environment to the brain , for example , the pain you feel when you stub your toe .

  18. 它用来获得神经元兴奋和抑制过程及神经脉冲产生机制的信息。

    It is used to obtain information about the processes of excitation and inhibition in a neuron and the mechanisms that initiate nerve impulses .

  19. 本文提出神经脉冲动作势所遵从的一种规律,用普遍的形式&非线性耗散过程进行讨论。

    This paper reports one type of laws which governs action potential of nervous pulses , and it is discussed by general form-nonlinear dispersive process .

  20. 本文首先介绍了神经脉冲发放的齐次泊松模型,包括神经元的脉冲响应函数、瞬时发放强度、泊松过程的概率函数和等待时间的概率密度分布。

    First , we introduce homogenous Poisson model for neural firing , including neural response function , instantaneous intensity , possibility function and waiting time .

  21. 同时研究了信息状态的频率分布、神经脉冲长度、信息状态的空间分布对神经元集群的信息表达率和冗余性的影响。

    Then we study how distribution of state on frequency band , length of spike train , spatial setup of state affect the information expressing rate and robustness .

  22. 用神经脉冲自动计数的方法,定量地研究了猫外膝体神经元兴奋与抑制过程在时间和空间上的相互作用。

    With the method Of an automatic discharge frequency counting technique , temporal and spatial interaction between excitatory and inhibitory processes in cat LGN neurones were studied quantitatively .

  23. 那么,如果我理解正确的话,其中一只猴子得到信号,而另一只猴子接到信号做出反应是因为第一只猴子接收并传递神经脉冲。

    So if I 'm understanding correctly , one of the monkeys is actually getting a signal and the other monkey is reacting to that signal just because the first one is receiving it and transmitting the neurological impulse .

  24. 对时滞BAM神经网络脉冲上界的估计

    Estimate of Pulse Upper Bound in Time-Delay BAM Neural Networks

  25. 具有信道时延的混沌神经网络脉冲同步

    Impulsive Synchronization of Chaotic Neural Networks Subject to Channel Delay

  26. 结论膈神经电脉冲能较明显地促进周围神经再生。

    Conclusion The bioelectrical impulse of phrenic nerve can improve the regeneration of peripheral nerves obviously .

  27. 神经放电脉冲间隔的自回归分析

    Autoregressive Analysis for Interspike Intervals

  28. 神经电脉冲经由松果体神经(交感神经系统)传递到松果体。

    From the SCN , nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve ( sympathetic nervous system ) to the pineal gland .

  29. 模拟神经网络VLSI脉冲流技术在故障诊断中的应用分析

    Application Analysis of Analog Neural Network VLSI & Pulse Stream Technique on Fault Diagnosis

  30. 基于人工神经网络的脉冲激光烧蚀Ag纳米粒子胶体的预测和验证

    Prediction and Verification of Average Diameter of Silver Nanoparticles Colloid by Pulsed Laser Ablation Based on Artificial Neural Networks