
  • 网络viticulture;vine growing
  1. 这些类包括:葡萄栽培和葡萄酒品尝,Oenologie和酿酒,法国经典葡萄酒产区和餐馆葡萄酒-如何对食品和葡萄酒。

    These classes include : Viticulture and wine tasting , Oenologie and wine making , French Classic wine regions and Wine in restaurants-how to pair food and wine .

  2. 生态环境与葡萄栽培:葡萄栽培区域化研究理论与评价

    Ecologic environment and viticulture : Theories and evaluation of viticulture region

  3. 基于PAID平台的葡萄栽培贮藏保鲜管理专家系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Expert System for Cultivation , Storage Management of Grapes Based on PAID Platform

  4. 杜鲁的首席葡萄栽培师刚从酩悦位于阿根廷的安地斯之阶酒庄(TerrazasdelosAndes)考察回来。

    Dulou 's chief viticulturist had just returned from a study trip to Mo ë t 's Argentine operation Terrazas de los Andes .

  5. 以3个欧亚葡萄栽培品种及其2个中间杂交种为亲本,经过15年培育出酿酒葡萄新品种‘爱格丽’(Ecolly)。

    Adopting a new method of grape cross breeding & selecting by turns in using 3 varieties of V.Vinifera and 2 hybrids as parents , a new grape variety ' Ecolly ' has been selected after 15 years .

  6. 葡萄栽培的目标是实现种植效益的最大化。

    The target of viticulture is to get a maximum benefit .

  7. Ⅱ,中部葡萄栽培生态气候次适宜区;

    Middle region ill suitable of ecoclimate for grape growing ;

  8. 浙江省葡萄栽培的现状与前景

    The present situation and Prospect of grape culture in Zhejiang

  9. 抗旱节水剂在葡萄栽培上的应用试验研究

    Experimental studies on grape cultivation by using drought resisting and water saving agents

  10. 是葡萄栽培上一项行之有效的技术措施。

    It is an effective technique for grape production .

  11. 葡萄栽培品种花芽高节位分化观察研究

    Observation on the Differentiation of flower bud In high position of grape shoot

  12. 中等职业学校葡萄栽培与酿造专业教学改革初探

    The Research on Teaching Reform of Viticulture Enology Speciality in Secondary Vocational School

  13. 并提出了若干相应的解决措施,为我区葡萄栽培与生产提供参考。

    It is a reference for the planting and production in Inner Mongolia .

  14. 这不是现代热带葡萄栽培的唯一成功例子。

    This is far from the only example of successful modern tropical viticulture .

  15. 葡萄栽培管理多媒体专家系统

    The multimedia expert system for grape cultivation management

  16. 保水剂在葡萄栽培中的效果

    Effect of Water-retaining Agent in the Grape Cultivation

  17. 因此,葡萄栽培人的工作很重要

    Therefore the work of the Viticulturist is important

  18. 法国酿酒葡萄栽培管理技术考察报告

    Observation report on technique of cultivation and management of vine for making wine in France

  19. 圣克里斯托佛是一个农业大区,以烟草,糖业以及葡萄栽培而闻名。

    San Cristobal is an agricultural Municipality , famous for sugar-cane and tobacco and grape cultivation .

  20. 白兰地酒用葡萄栽培试验

    Experiment of Brandy Grape Culture

  21. 嫁接技术在葡萄栽培中应用广泛,生产中已充分肯定了其应用价值。

    Grafting is a widespread technique in grape cultivation , its value was fully affirmed in practice .

  22. 他坚定不移的提倡着:发展葡萄栽培技术和葡萄酒酿造用技术来提高酒的质量。

    He advocates firmly improving the wine quality through the development of grape planting and brewing technology .

  23. 这是最令人兴奋的前苏联葡萄酒,来自一个被人们广泛视为葡萄栽培摇篮的国家。

    The most exciting post-Soviet wine to emerge from a country widely regarded as the cradle of viticulture .

  24. 系统实现了以下功能:通过葡萄栽培技术咨询,协助用户对葡萄园进行管理和葡萄的质量控制;

    The following functions have been realized : via consultation of viticulture technology to manage vineyard and control of quality ;

  25. 葡萄酒原产地域命名系统建立的基础因素主要有影响葡萄酒质量因素和葡萄栽培区划气候因素。

    And it bases on those factors that influence the grape wine quality and the climate in grape cultivation area .

  26. 我想在关于葡萄酒的演讲中,我们讨论了全球变暖对葡萄栽培的威胁。

    I think in the wine talk , we were discussing the threats to viniculture from global warming , right .

  27. 采用田间自然鉴定的方法,研究分析了湿热地区28个葡萄栽培品种、7个毛葡萄野生株系对黑痘病的抗性差异。

    To study the Anthracnose disease resistance of different varieties of grape cultivar , 28 Grape cultivar , 7 wild species of V.

  28. 武威市是我国葡萄栽培历史最悠久的地区和传统优质葡萄生产区,也是我国优质葡萄、葡萄酒的重点发展地区。

    Wu-wei city has a long history of the grape cultivation with high qualified grapes . It is also an important developing area to produce wine .

  29. 他已经售出约1500本《葡萄栽培》和1000本《英国葡萄园指南》,后者每本可以让他获得约8镑的收入。

    He has sold about 1500 copies of Viticulture and 1000 of the UK vineyards guide , which has brought him in about 8 a copy .

  30. 数十年来,葡萄栽培都是拥有小牧场的富人退休之余的典型职业,但随着温度的升高,葡萄栽培已日益变得专业化了。

    For several decades vine-growing was typically a retirement occupation for the well-heeled with a paddock to spare but it has become increasingly professional as temperatures have risen .