
  • 网络DESK;desks & chairs;school desk and chair
  1. 适应性的设计原则与小学生的特点和现代教育技术紧密结合,并使课桌椅的设计能够充分满足未来教学和学生学习的需求。

    The principle of adaption is tightly integrated the characteristics of students and modern education technology , which will make the desk and chair fully satisfy the needs of future study .

  2. 未来课桌椅的设计更加注重小学生的主体性特点,并根据未来教学模式的发展要求,对课桌椅的设计提出了适应性的原则,为未来课桌椅的设计提供了新方法。

    The future desk and chair design pay more attention to the subjective role of pupils , following the future learning model demand , raise the design principle of adaption , therefore , provide a new way to future desk and chair design .

  3. 升降式课桌椅卫生标准的研究

    Study on Hygienic Standard of Adjustable Chairs and Desks for School

  4. 所有的学生必须照看好课桌椅。

    All the students must look after the desks and chairs .

  5. 人体工学课桌椅的设计原理

    Design Principles of Classroom 's Tables and Chairs with Physical Engineering

  6. 四所高校课桌椅空间设置工效学分析

    An Ergonomical Study on Distance and Difference of Desk-chair in Four Universities

  7. GB/T3976-1983学校课桌椅功能尺寸

    The functional sizes of chairs and desks for school

  8. 深圳市南山区学生课桌椅配置整改效果分析

    Analysis on adjustment effect of students ' desk-chair setting in Nanshan District of Shenzhen City

  9. 本实用新型属于一种中、小学生课桌椅。

    The utility model belongs to a school desk and chair for middle and primary school students .

  10. 这些木材,她说,是用来给学生打制课桌椅的。

    The wood , she said , was used to make desks and chairs for the students .

  11. 爱护公共财物和教学设备,不在课桌椅和墙上涂写刻画或随意张贴;

    Students shall protect public properties , free of graffiti and posting of signs on desks , chairs and walls .

  12. 厦门市中小学教室课桌椅及光环境的工效学研究

    The Ergonomics Study about the Desk-Chair and the Light Environment in the Classroom of the Middle and Primary Schools of Xiamen

  13. 教室和课桌椅是学生在学校内学习的重要资源,对小学生的教育和身心健康发展有不可忽视的重要影响作用。

    Classroom and school desk and chair are very important learning resource in primary school , which have an very inconvenient influent on pupils .

  14. 学生伏案学习坐姿的躯干和四肢肌负荷很大程度上取决于课桌椅空间设置与学生体格适合程度。

    Biomechanics load on limbs and trunk of students bending over their desks reading depends principally on the correspondence between desk-chair measurements and student 's height .

  15. 多功能保健课桌椅,涉及一种儿童学习时所使用的保健椅。

    The utility model relates to a multifunctional healthy desk combined with a chair , which relates to a healthy chair for the study of children .

  16. 方法对30所中小学监督监测结果进行综合评价,并对小学一年级到高三年级共143间教室人均面积、照度和课桌椅符合率等分项进行评价。

    Methods The results of hygienic supervision of 143 classrooms ( average space , light , desk and chair ) in 6 high schools and 12 primary schools were evaluated .

  17. [结果]经过专项整改,课桌椅配置符合率、学校对此项工作重视程度、家长和老师相关知识及态度有明显改善。

    [ Results ] After adjustment , the consistent rate of desk-chair setting , the attitude of schools , related knowledge and attitude of parents and teachers had been better than before .

  18. 教室设计(特别是课桌椅的设计)通过对不同设计要素的组合,给学生带来不同的体验感受,从而影响了学生的情绪,并最终对学习结果产生影响。

    Classroom design , especially desk and chair design , make children have different feels through different combination of design elements , and then affect students ' mood , finally changed the learning outcomes .

  19. 使用不合适的课桌椅可能影响学生健康,改变目前学生课桌椅合格率较低的现状,关键是要提高重视程度。

    Students'health may be affected by improper desk-chair using in schools , and the key point to change the low consistent rate of the setting of desk-chair is to pay more attention on this problem .

  20. [方法]根据GB/T3976-2002《学校课桌椅功能尺寸》标准监测35所学校,进行问卷调查和工作检查,分析所得数据。

    [ Methods ] 35 schools were inspected according to GB / T3976-2002 , a national standard about the size and function of desk-chair in schools , a questionnaire survey was carried out simultaneously and the obtained data were analysed .

  21. 小学生是教室和课桌椅的主要使用者,通过结合小学生的生理和心理特点,指出了未来教室环境的发展趋势,并在此基础上提出了未来课桌椅的设计原则和概念设计。

    Children are the main user of classroom and desk and chair , with the physical and mental characteristics of pupils , propose the development trend of future classroom , and then come up with the design principles and conceptual design of future desks and chairs .

  22. 美术课上的爱心教育科学配备中小学课桌椅的探讨

    Education of Loved Heart in an Art Class Scientifically Equipping Classroom 's Tables and Chairs at Middle and Grade Schools