
  • 网络Davao City
  1. 棉兰老岛的达沃市最近举行了一次论坛,有六十名妇女出席,一同向政府提出要求:「我们这群妇女,一直渴求和推动和平。

    At a recent forum in Davao City , also on Mindanao Island , sixty women banded together and made demands to the government .

  2. 我想让她知道只要她能留下我愿意在达沃市给她穿每一根针和线,即使有时那让我有些烦。

    I wanted her to know that I would put every thread through every needle in Davao City just to make her stay , even if it did annoy me .

  3. 对于那些早前便迁移至达沃市的人群,他们大多是因为亲戚或朋友在那有着更好地生活而拉动至此。

    As for the ones who internally migrated to Davao city , they were pulled to transfer to the city due to close affinity to family and friends who might have a better living condition in the city .