
  • 网络Chinese philanthropists
  1. 世界对中国慈善家也充满了期待。

    The world is waiting to see what Chinese philanthropists will do next .

  2. 一项追踪富豪捐款行为的研究发现,中国慈善家偏爱本地公益事业和教育机构。

    Chinese philanthropists favour local causes and educational institutions in particular , a study that tracks giving by billionaires has found .

  3. 近代中国社会慈善家是一个特殊的群体,他们本着人道主义精神与社会责任从事各种救助活动,客观上推动了中国近代社会的整体进程。

    The philanthropist in modern China was a special group . They had been engaged in various succor activities with theirselves spirit of humanitarianism and community responsibility . Objectively they had promoted the whole progress of our social .

  4. 然而,发布年度中国亿万富翁和慈善家排行榜的胡润(RupertHoogewerf)表示,考虑到多年来创造的财富总额,香港人的捐赠金额可能仍低于公众的预期。

    But Rupert Hoogewerf , who publishes annual rankings of Chinese billionaires and philanthropists , said the Chinese territory did not donate as much as might be expected given the amount of wealth that had been generated over the years .

  5. 陈光标说,他希望通过这次午餐告诉美国中国是有慈善家的。

    Chen said he was hoping the lunch would show the US that there are Chinese philanthropists .

  6. 在对中国前100名慈善家的研究中,最慷慨的捐款者是制造业综合企业浙江世纪华通集团董事长王苗通。

    The biggest donor in the study of China 's top 100 is Wang Miaotong , the head of Huatong Group , the manufacturing conglomerate .