
  1. 探讨了用甜高粱茎杆工业化生产燃料乙醇的工程路线,分析了工业生产三个明确目标和要求,五个具体矛盾和困难。

    This article states the engineering route for commercial production of fuel methanol with sorgo stalk , and analyzes three goals and five specific difficulties of the industrial production .

  2. 本文从新闻传播系统的内在与外在关系、宏观与微观层面出发,对新闻传收(受)的内外矛盾、总矛盾和具体矛盾做出了初步的分析。

    Based on the research of the internal and external relationships of news disseminating system at the macro and micro levels , the present paper tentatively studies the internal contradictions , the overall contradictions and the concrete contradictions of news dissemination and receiving .

  3. 所以本文从具体的矛盾问题出发来进行实证性的研究,为具体问题的切实解决提供思路。

    Therefore , the paper starts with the idiographic illogicality , and carries out the positive research in order to provide thought for the pressing settle of the material .

  4. 弹劾证据的表现形式主要有以下五种:先前不一致的陈述、偏见证据、品格证据、证人感知能力及精神状况的缺陷、具体的矛盾。

    Impeachment evidence exists mainly in the following five forms : prior inconsistent statements , bias evidence , character evidence , witness perception or the defect and specific conflict of mental .

  5. 它仍然没有摆脱现代性的初始矛盾&抽象和具体的矛盾,单纯理性的反思最终必然导向理论的乌托邦形式。

    It has not broken away from the original inconsistency of modernity yet , the antinomy between abstract and materiality , so the pure rational reflection finally inevitably leads to the Utopian forms of theory .

  6. 但正义的宽泛性与军事刑法的具体性存在矛盾,军事刑法所追求的是军事正义。

    But there is contradiction between broadness of justice and concreteness of military criminal law .

  7. 具体应用中的矛盾分析法之种种

    A Variety of the Analyses of Contradiction in Application

  8. 探讨了经典电子论对金属导电解释的缺欠,具体分析了引起矛盾的因素;

    This paper discusses defect of interpretation of metal conduction 's classical electron theory , and analysis factors of contradiction .

  9. 村干部作为村级组织的治理主体,是村级所有工作的具体执行人,在化解具体矛盾、维护农村社会的稳定、推进农村社会的健康发展作用十分重大。

    Village cadres , as village-level organizations , governance body , is the village all the specific executor , in resolving specific conflicts , and maintain social stability , promoting the healthy development of the role of rural society is very important .