
nínɡ xuè shí jiān
  • Coagulation time;time-of-coagulation
  1. 采用毛细管法测定小鼠凝血时间(CT);

    Coagulation time ( CT ) was tested by capillary method in mice .

  2. 体外循环中激活全血凝血时间(ACT)测定及其临床意义

    The clinical significance of activated coagulation time ( act ) monitoring during extracorporeal circulation

  3. 出、凝血时间延长(P<0.05)。

    Bleeding time and clotting time were greatly prolonged ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 监测全血ACT(活化凝血时间)、观察体外循环凝血情况;

    The Activated coagulation time ( ACTs ) and the efficiency of extracorporeal coagulation were observed .

  5. B物质通过延长凝血时间,可以破坏遗传性乳腺癌病毒染色体(DNA);

    Material B by extending clotting time that can damage the hereditary breast cancer virus chromosomes ( DNA );

  6. 目的探讨激活凝血时间(ACT)用于严重创伤病人术中凝血功能监测的可行性。

    Objective To study the feasibility of intraoperative detection of severe trauma patients using activated coagulation time ( ACT ) .

  7. 结果:本法与活化凝血时间(ACT)法比较,具有较高的精密度及特异性。

    Results : The precision and specificity of in vitro heparin calcium anticoagulability assay was better than conventional ACT assay .

  8. Ber与War合用,小鼠凝血时间明显延长(P<001);

    Ber can prolong coagulation time of the mice po War ( P < 0 01 ) .

  9. 本文报告38例先天性心脏病患儿应用活化凝血时间(ACT)测定,以了解小儿心内直视手术期间血液中肝素的有效浓度。

    The effective concentration of heparin in the blood was monitored by activated clotting time ( ACT ) during open heart surgery in children .

  10. 方法:用断尾法测出血时间(BT),玻片法测凝血时间(CT)。

    Methods : The effects of rBAT on bleeding times ( BT ) and clotting times ( CT ) were measured .

  11. 选择健康献血员及心内直视手术病人,观察抑肽酶对全血活化凝血时间(ACT)的影响。

    E selected healthy volunteers and patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) to evaluate the effects of aprotinin on the activated clotting time ( ACT ) .

  12. 小鼠灌胃SCC粉末混悬液可缩短出血和凝血时间。

    SCC powder suspension on po administration can contract bleeding and coagulation time .

  13. 目的:本研究旨在探讨激活凝血时间(ACT)是否可作为达肝素在导管室中应用时有效的抗凝监测手段。

    Objective : To determine whether the activated clotting time ( ACT ) may act as an effective monitoring method after intravenous low-molecular-weight-heparin ( LMWH ) dalteparin used in cardiac catheterization .

  14. ⑵痛阈值和凝血时间:双苯氟嗪(Dip)可以延长偏头痛小鼠凝血时间,提高其痛阈值。

    ⑵ Pain threshold and clotting time : Dip could prolong clotting time of the model mice and elevate pain threshold of them .

  15. 结果:血府逐瘀汤能延长凝血时间,提高痛阈,调节5-HT的过度降低。

    Results : Xuefu Zhuyu decoction could prolong coagulation time , elevate pain threshold , prevent excessive decrease in 5-HT .

  16. 方法①以药效学方法观察Jat与War合用对小鼠凝血时间的影响;

    METHODS ① By the slide method , effect of Jat on coagulation time of the mice administrated War was observed ;

  17. 结果:治疗组血小板计数降低,血小板凝聚试验、出凝血时间延长,与对照组比较均有显著性差异(P均<0.01);

    Results : The treatment group was showed the platelet counts were reduced , platelet aggregation test and coagulating time were prolonged ; it has obvious difference as compare to control group ( all P < 0 01 ) .

  18. 结果50~200mg/kgTP不同程度降低角叉菜胶引起小鼠尾部血栓发生率,缩短血栓长度和延长凝血时间。

    Results 50 ~ 200 mg / kg TP differently lowered the mice thrombosis formation and length and prolonged the coagulation time caused by carrageenan .

  19. 结果:与空白对照组比较,息痛颗粒大、中剂量组小鼠出、凝血时间均延长(P均<0.05);

    Results : Compared with those of the normal control , the platelet aggregation rates of rats in 3 Xi Tong Ke Li groups in high - and middle-dose Xi Tong Ke Li groups were lower ( P < 0.05 );

  20. 于最后一次给药1h后,热板法测定痛阈值,然后摘眼球取血测凝血时间。

    Determination of pain threshold using hot plate method and clotting time after picking eyeballs did not start until one hour after the last administration .

  21. 监测治疗中活化凝血时间(ACT)、血清离子钙、血钠、二氧化碳结合力的变化、体外循环部分的抗凝效果和有无出血加重的情况。

    Activated clotting time ( ACT ), serum ionized calcium and sodium , and carbon dioxide combining power were monitored during the treatments . We also evaluated the anticoagulation effect in the extracorporeal circuit and the risk of bleeding .

  22. 血液相容性试验表明:与Co-Cr合金相比,K2Ti6O(13)/Ti基生物医学材料的凝血时间较长;

    Haemocompatibility experiment finds that the blood clotting time of K2Ti6On / Ti matrix biomedical materials is much longer than that of Co-Cr alloy ;

  23. 结果:服药后CPG组患者ADP诱导的血小板聚集率显著降低(P<0.01),出凝血时间均延长。

    Result : The ADP induced platelet aggregation of CPG group was reduced significantly in comparison to pretreatment ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 第10天给药后1h采用断尾法和玻片法测定小鼠出血、凝血时间;

    On day 10 , 1 hour after the last administration , the hemorrhage time and coagulation time of mice were measured by tail cutting method and slide method .

  25. 实验研究表明,坤宁活血汤可促进离体子宫收缩,缩短出、凝血时间,改善血液流变,降低子宫内膜ER、PR水平。

    " Kunning Huoxue Decoction " could promote the contraction of isolated uterine , shorten bleeding and clotting time , improve blood rheology and reduce the levels of ER and PR in endometrium .

  26. 方法:采用AA、ADP、PAF诱导家兔血小板聚集法,胶原蛋白-肾上腺素诱发小鼠体内血栓形成法,出血及凝血时间测定法。

    METHODS : AA 、 ADP and PAF induced platelet aggregation of rabbits , collagen adrenals induced thrombosis of mice . Measuring time of hemorrhage and coagulation .

  27. 毛细玻璃管法测定小鼠全血凝血时间(CT);比较等效抗凝剂量的VnA及肝素对小鼠尾出血时间(BT)的影响。

    Whole blood coagulation time ( CT ) in mice was measured by capillary glass tube method , bleeding time ( BT ) by hemorrhagic transection of mouse tail model .

  28. 方法采用UBIO配合药物治疗视网膜动脉、静脉阻塞20例22只眼,治疗前后测视力,检查眼底和血液生化常规及出凝血时间。

    Methods 20 cases , 22 eyes with obstruction of the retina vessels , are treated by UBIO .

  29. TSL对小鼠凝血时间和出血时间的影响

    The effect of TSL on the coagulation time and bleeding time in mice

  30. 发现怀牛膝多糖ABP能延长小鼠凝血时间(CT)、大鼠血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)、白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)。

    We found ABP prolonged coagulation time ( CT ) in mice , increased plasma prothrombin time ( PT ) and kaolin partial thromboplastin time ( KPTT ) in rats .