
jí bǔ sài rén
  • Gypsy;Roma;traveller;Romany
吉卜赛人[jí bǔ sài rén]
  1. 她娇小玲珑,有吉卜赛人的美。

    Delicately built and slim , she had a gypsy beauty about her .

  2. 那个吉卜赛人预言她的婚姻将很美满。

    The gypsy prophesied her a happy marriage .

  3. 他说别的男孩全是道地的吉卜赛人。

    He said that all the other boys were regular gipsies .

  4. 我十岁时见过一个真正的活着的吉卜赛人。

    I saw a real , live Gipsy when I was ten .

  5. 一些吉卜赛人靠给别人看手相为生。

    Some Gypsies live on reading a person 's hand .

  6. 然而,吉卜赛人却不这么想。

    However , gipsy but don 't think so .

  7. 我是听吉卜赛人说的。

    I informed myself from the gypsy .

  8. 吉卜赛人说的印度语。

    The Indic language of the gypsies .

  9. 吉卜赛人取出三只锡杯,斟满了白兰地。

    The gipsy produced three tin cups , and filled them to the brim with brandy .

  10. 他在罗马尼亚旅行时结识了一群吉卜赛人。

    When he was travelling across Romania , he fell into company with a party of gipsies .

  11. 国际基督教吉卜赛人运动

    International Christian Gypsy Movement

  12. 和整个欧洲一样,在希腊,吉卜赛人依旧遭到几百年来所面临的偏见。

    The prejudice they have faced for centuries remains strong in Greece , as it does throughout Europe .

  13. 两种信仰的吉卜赛人都是局外人,融不进希腊社会,尽管他们的祖先一千多年前就来到希腊生活。

    Roma of both faiths remain outsiders in Greece , though their ancestors arrived there more than a thousand years ago .

  14. 那个吉卜赛人抱怨说,这种生意要是再做几次,他就要倾家荡产了。

    The Gipsy grumbled frightfully , and declared if he did a few more deals of that sort he 'd be ruined .

  15. 洼地的中央果然有一顶山羊皮缝成的小帐篷,颇似吉卜赛人在英国随身携带的那种帐篷。

    And in the centre of the dell , sure enough , a little tent of goatskins , like what the gipsies carry about with them in England .

  16. 他经常举行古怪的音乐会,让一些疯狂的吉卜赛人在小筝上演奏粗犷的音乐,或是让一些面容庄严,戴黄头巾的突尼斯人拨弄绷紧的琵琶弦。

    He used to give curious concerts in which mad gypsies tore wild music from little zithers , or grave , yellow-shawled Tunisians plucked at the strained strings of monstrous lutes .

  17. 吉卜赛人拐小孩这种故事在世界的这个区域并不经常发生,不会有人相信。

    Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child . Stories of gypsies , who steal children , are not at all in vogue in this part of the world , and would not be believed .