
  • 网络Hydrological observation;ADCP
  1. 利用洞庭湖水文观测站、环境监测站和实地考察资料,分析了洞庭湖湿地对氮(N)、磷(P)污染的净化功能。

    Useing of Dongting Lake hydrological observation stations , environmental monitoring data and on-the-spot investigation , Analysising of the Dongting Lake wetland on the N , P pollution-purification .

  2. 为了绘制海岸工程中的风玫瑰图,利用Matlab数据库工具箱实现了对水文观测数据库的调用。

    In order to draw wind rose in coastal engineering , the allocation of observed hydrological database is realized by utilizing Matlab Database Toolbox .

  3. 无线数据传输在海岸工程水文观测项目中的应用

    Application of Wireless Data Transmission Technique to Coastal Engineering Hydrographic Observation Items

  4. 西双版纳热带雨林水文观测系统的设计

    Design of the Hydrological Observation System for Tropical Rain Forests in Xishuangbanna

  5. 1996年3月长江河口水文观测和分析

    Observation and Analysis on Hydrology in the Changjiang Estuary in March of 1996

  6. 水文观测系统在山区复杂岩溶隧道中的应用

    Applications of hydrological observation systems in complex karst tunnels located in mountain areas

  7. GB/T12763.2-1991海洋调查规范海洋水文观测

    The specification for oceanographic survey-Marine hydrographic observations

  8. 钻孔水位的动态变化对水文观测资料准确性的影响

    The influence of the drilling dynamic water level in drilling to the accuracy of hydrological data

  9. 这对地震水文观测孔的布置和地震预测具有重要意义。

    This work has great significance for the layout of earthquake and hydrological observation wells and prediction of earthquakes .

  10. 介绍了多种无线数据传榆方式在海岸工程水文观测项目中的不同应用。

    In this paper , the applications of several wireless data transmission modes to coastal engineering hydrographic observation items are introduced .

  11. 始建于1999年的重庆缙云山森林生态效益定位监测站,拥有全自动森林气象、水文观测设施,可实时监测森林生态变化过程。

    In 1999 , the forest ecology beneficial monitoring station of Chongqing Jinyun Mountain , starts to construct , provided with automatic forest hydrological monitor .

  12. 从土壤水分平衡原理出发,以降水量、温度和区域水文观测等因子为基础,建立了土壤干旱指数模型。

    Based on the principle of soil water balance , including precipitation , temperature and other observations , this article built a model of soil drought index .

  13. 采用多谱勒三相流速仪,在长江干流黄陵庙水文观测断面进行脉动流速观测,获得了不同流量级、不同垂线的脉动流速资料。

    Field experiments on fluctuation velocities were carried out at the section Huanglingmiao of stem stream of Yangtze River with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profile ( ADCP ) .

  14. 本文首先提出了滩岸侵蚀的概念及其侵蚀速率的定义,同时提出了利用现有水文观测资料研究滩岸侵蚀速率的方法。

    In this paper , conceptions of bank erosion and its retreat rate are presented , and a new procedure to analyze the bank erosion rate is proposed .

  15. 根据近20年来水文观测和资料统计,初步分析了长江水沙变化情况和发生变化的原因;

    Based on hydrological observation and data collected over last 20 years the change of water flow and sediment in Yangtze River and their occurrence reason were analyzed .

  16. 在缺少海洋水文观测资料的情况下,利用风浪要素计算图确定风浪尺度是工程人员推算设计波浪的简便方法。

    It is a convenient method to estimate design wave parameters by utilizing calculation chart for wind wave factors in case there is no observed hydrologic data at engineering site .

  17. 随着水文观测资料的延续和水库运行经验的积累,定期对水库设计洪水进行分析研究是保证水库实现上述两大职责的基础。

    With the extension of hydrological observation data and accumulation of reservoir operation experiments , periodic analysis and research the reservoir design flood is basic of operating above two aspects .

  18. 然而,我国80%以上的中小桥没有专门的水文观测站,这些桥梁的水害已经成了交通运输的突出问题。

    However , more than 80 % of the middle-small-scale bridges in China have no hydrological observation stations at all , which has become an extrusive problem in transport and communications .

  19. 用经验公式对覆岩导水裂隙带高度进行了计算,采用简易水文观测法对覆岩导水裂隙带高度进行了测定。

    And the height of water flowing fractured zone in overburden strata is calculated by the empirical formula and is measured with a simple hydrological observation method according to drilling on spot .

  20. 如何控制好暴涨暴落河流的洪水过程,准确判断洪水的起涨时间、洪峰流量、洪峰水位,一直是干旱半干旱地区水文观测的难题。

    It has been the arid and semi-arid hydrological problems that how to control rises suddenly the sudden and violent fall rivers flood process , judges the flood to rise the time , the peak discharge , the flood peak water level .

  21. 以深圳市为研究对象,分析无水文观测资料地区水资源分析计算现行方法存在的问题;提出用水库运行记录数据还原计算获取径流系列资料的思路;

    With Shenzhen City as a case for study , the present method is discussed for analysis of water resources of the regions without observed hydrologic data , and a train of thought is proposed to obtain series of runoff data by reverse calculation of the reservoir operational log .

  22. 通过10a的森林水文定位观测,对比研究了北京密云水库流域水源保护林和对照荒坡地径流在坡面尺度(约0.9hm2)和小流域尺度(约2.7hm2)上的空间尺度效应。

    By ten years field observation , this paper presents scale effects of runoff across two study scales on the controlled forestland and its comparative non forest land within Miyun reservoir basin .

  23. 采用常规水文气象观测与赤潮现场监测相结合方法,探讨厦门西海域一次中肋骨条藻(skeletonemacostatum)赤潮的物理成因。

    Adopt with the method of hydrology meteorological observation of the routine and red tide monitors by scene combined together , to probe into the physics origin cause of formation of a red tide ( Skeletonema costatum ) in the West Sea Area of Xiamen .

  24. 陕西省宜川森林水文生态观测站简介

    A Brief Introduction to Yichuan Forest Hydro-ecological Station in Shaanxi Province

  25. 本文介绍了气象水文自动观测系统在石油平台的研究与应用。

    It was widely applied in the construction of offshore oil platform .

  26. 海洋水文气象观测对于海洋开发和防灾减灾具有重要意义。

    Marine hydrometeorological observation is quite important to ocean development and disasters prevention .

  27. 依据水文强化观测计算胶州湾水体混合参数

    Calculation of Mixing Parameters in Jiaozhou Bay by Intensive Observation of Hydrographic Factors

  28. 世界水文循环观测系统

    World Hydrological Cycle Observing System

  29. 在长江口南汇东滩进行了现场水文泥沙观测取样,以探讨海岸盐沼植物的存在对潮间带细颗粒泥沙运动的影响。

    Field experiments were undertaken to examine hydrodynamic effects of estuarine saltmarsh canopies on intertidal fine sediment transport of the Changjiang Estuary .

  30. 在收集深圳湾多年水文气象观测资料及社会调查的基础上,对深圳湾的自然环境、社会环境状况进行描述。

    It depicts the natural and social environment of Shenzhen Bay on the basis of years of collecting hydro-meteorological observation data and social investigation data .