
  1. 做好电子注册促进学籍管理

    Do Well the Electronic Registration , Promote the School Register Management

  2. 新形势下实施电子注册是高校学籍管理的必然选择。

    Student enrollment management is an important part of university management .

  3. 论文设计的学籍管理系统主要包括以下功能:学生基本信息管理、学生注册管理、学籍异动管理、专业分流管理、毕业审核管理。

    System functions can achieve the students basic information management , students registration management , enrollment transaction management , majors partition management and graduation audit management .

  4. 本系统较好实现了研究生新生管理、注册管理、学籍管理、成绩管理、导师管理等功能。

    This system can realize these functions fluently : the freshman management , the enrollment management , the status management , the result management , tutor management and so on .

  5. 电子注册制度在高校学籍学历管理中的重要性

    Significance of Implementing Electronical Enrollment in Student ′ s Status and Curriculum Vitae Management

  6. 电子注册则是传统学籍管理工作在新形势下的延续和发展。

    Electronic registration is a new continuity and development of the traditional administration of student records .

  7. 本系统是面向各类成人高等学校学籍管理工作和毕业生学历证书电子注册工作,提高学籍、学历证书管理效率,规范管理过程和信息化标准的教育管理软件系统。

    The software system of educational - management is about the management of student information and the electro-registration of diploma in all adult colleges to improve the efficiency of the management of both student information and diploma , and to standardize the management process and information criterion .

  8. 浅谈高校电子注册管理技术高校学历证书电子注册与学籍管理改革

    On-line Registration for Documentation of Academic Credentials and Reform in College Enrollment Management

  9. 学籍管理是实施电子注册的基础,电子注册则是加强学籍管理的有效手段。

    E-registration system is based on student status management and is an effective means to improve the management .