
diàn mǎ
  • code;telegraphic code;symbol for used in telecommunication
电码 [diàn mǎ]
  • (1) [code] ∶使用标准长度的电码组(如3742或XEQSJ)的完备的密码系统

  • (2) [symbol for used in telecommunication;telegraphic code]∶电报通讯中用来代表文字、数字、标点等的符号

电码[diàn mǎ]
  1. 莫尔斯电码由点和画线组成。

    The Morse code is made up of dots and dashes .

  2. 一天,一个年轻人去面试莫尔斯电码员的工作。

    One day , a young man went to an interview for a job as a Morse code operator .

  3. 老板说:"对不起,你一直坐在这里,电报机一直在用莫尔斯电码发送下列信息:如果你明白这条信息,请马上进来,这份工作是你的了。"

    The boss said , " I 'm sorry , but all the time you 've been sitting here , the telegraph has been sending out the following message in Morse code : ‘ If you understand this message , then come right in.The job is yours . ' "

  4. 用“k”(“哦,嗯”)的摩斯电码“-.-”来回复消息,可以达到同样的冷漠挑衅效果。-10-

    Replying " k " in morse " - . - " , has the same passive aggressive tone .

  5. 那是一个“k。”,肯定是摩尔斯电码。

    That 's a " k. " definitely Morse code .

  6. 精密化学武器-软件培训阅读莫尔斯电码或软件运行CW模式或什相干CW模式的业余无线电设备从您的PC。

    Precision CW-Software to train reading Morse code or software to run CW mode or even COHERENT CW mode on your amateur radio equipment from your PC.

  7. 对AES密码的另类解密&旁路分析低频交流电码轨道电路

    Decryption New to AES – a Side Channel Analysis low frequency AC coded track circuit

  8. 在morse电码中所有字母的长度只有四个或不到四个符号。

    In Morse code all letters are four or fewer characters long .

  9. 那摩斯电码有头绪了吗UMQRA是这样吗安克拉

    Did you get anywhere with that Morse code ? U , M , Q , R , A , wasn 't it ? Umqra .

  10. 以下是在莫尔斯电码,如MP3音频文件,可以下载。

    Here it is in Morse Code , as MP3 audio files that can be downloaded .

  11. 国际通用的莫尔斯电码遇险信号SOS。

    The international morse code distress signal , S.O.S.

  12. 文章把轨线模型应用于说话人识别,同时对VQ模型的电码本训练算法进行了改进。

    Now we introduce trajectory model in speaker recognition and improve the codebook training algorithm for VQ .

  13. 为提高分组密码工作模式的性能,提出了1个基于电码本(ECB)模式的新方案。

    A novel scheme based on traditional electronic codebook ( ECB ) mode was proposed to improve the capability of block-cipher mode of operation .

  14. 基于聚类有效性分析的VQ模型:VQ模型电码本的训练算法有一个弱点:电码本大小是人为指定的。

    VQ Model Based on Clustering Validity Analysis : it 's the flaw for the codebook training algorithm that the size of codebook is choosed artificially .

  15. 对ZPW-2000A闭环电码化问题进行分析,并提出改进方案。

    The paper analyzes the problems in ZPW-2000A closed-loop coding and presents plans for improvement .

  16. 光码分多址技术(OCDMA)是电码分多址(CDMA)用于光纤通信的一种新的多址复用技术,是自由空间光通信及未来全光接入网、小区局域网的方案之一。

    Optical code division multiple access ( OCDMA ) is a new multiple access multiplexing applying Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) to optical fiber communications and is one of the technologies for the future free space optical communications , all optical aceess networks and local aera networks .

  17. 对车站闭环电码化举例设计进行了探讨,指出JMJ电路存在的问题,提出了改进方案。

    The paper discusses citing circuit design of station closed loop coding , points out the problems with JMJ circuit , and puts forward a scenario for improvement .

  18. 结合电气化改造工程,对电化区段25Hz相敏轨道电路预叠加UM-71电码化的可靠性及优点进行阐述,对一些技术难点进行分析。

    Reliability and strongpoint of UM-71 code pre-overlapped on 25 Hz phase sensitive track circuit in electrified sections are expatiated , and some technical problems are analyzed in combination with the electrification reconstruction works .

  19. 闭环电码化举例电路设计的一点建议

    A suggestion on Citing Circuit Design of Station Closed Loop Coding

  20. 五单位数字保护电码这只手表保用五年。

    Unit numerical code This watch is guaranteed for five years .

  21. 他现在可以用它来发送和接收莫尔斯电码了。

    Marconi now found that he could transmit Morse Code signals .

  22. 他睡觉前还用这发摩尔斯电码呢。

    He was sending Morse codes before he went to bed .

  23. 在这个电码系统中我们最多可用9个字。

    We can use at most nine words in this code .

  24. 现在还有很多的业馀无线电技工在使用摩斯电码。

    Morse code is still used by many amateur radio operators .

  25. 站内轨道电路电码化抗干扰小议

    Brief Discussion about Anti-interference of Coded Track Circuit at Station

  26. 信号灯闪出了点与画的电码。

    Dots and dashes blinked out from a signal light .

  27. 有关莫尔斯电码测验的详情,请参考丙栏。

    For details of Morse test , please see PART C.

  28. 闭环电码化系统的检测原理及应用

    Check principle and application of Closed Loop Telegraphic Codes System

  29. 禹城站站内闭环电码化电路中代发车锁闭继电器的设计锁定[制动,闭锁]机构

    Start Locking Relay Design in Loop Line Code Circuits of Yucheng Station

  30. 敲摩斯电码是破解不了黑盒的

    I don 't think morse code is gonna break the encryption .