
  • 【数】descriptive geometry
  1. 基于AUTOCAD的画法几何解题方法研究

    Study on Problem-solving Methods for Descriptive Geometry Based on Auto CAD

  2. 多媒体画法几何CAI练习专家系统的设计与开发

    Designing And Exploration Of Multimedia Descriptive Geometry CAI Practicing Expert System

  3. 画法几何及机械制图网络CAI教学系统的研究与开发

    Development of Networked CAI Teaching System for Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing

  4. 画法几何CAI课件的应用

    The Application of CAI Teaching Program in Drawing Geometry

  5. 基于AutoCAD平台的《画法几何》电子教学系统

    A electronic teaching-system to descriptive geometry based on AutoCAD

  6. 画法几何CAI系统开发

    The Development of Descriptive Geometry CAI System

  7. VRML在基于网络的画法几何教学中的应用

    Application of VRML in Web - based Instruction of Descriptive Geometry

  8. 本文从画法几何和空间解析几何两个不同的角度,描述了空间两异面直线间距离的求法,并用CAI方法仿真了求解的全过程。

    The paper describes the process of the solution from two different points of descriptive geometry and interspace analytic geometry .

  9. AutoCAD环境下画法几何图解与三维绘图新方法的研讨

    The Research on the New Method of Graphical Solution and Three Dimensional Drawing in Descriptive Geometry Under the Circumstance of AutoCAD

  10. 本研究借助于AutoCAD2000,用VISUALLISP语言进行二次开发,通过三维重建法使画法几何问题得以在三维空间中分析求解。

    Now a 3D analysis system to solve the complex problems of descriptive geometry using AutoCAD 2000 and Visual LISP are developed .

  11. Internet在现代教育系统中逐渐表现出它的优越性,基于网络的智能型画法几何在线绘图平台为学习者提供了不受时空限制的学习环境。

    In modern education system Internet gradually shows its superiority . Online drawing software platform of descriptive geometry based on Internet provides the studying condition of without time and space limit for the learner .

  12. 根据教育部对高等工业学校工程制图课程培养目标,对少学时工程制图教材传统内容进行改革构建,增加CAD二维和CAD三维绘图内容,删去画法几何图解法内容;

    According to the aim of the ministry of education to the industry university engineering cartography , its traditional content shall be reformed and reconstructed for the short hours .

  13. 在分析了画法几何教学特点的基础上,根据计算机图形学的基本原理,采用网络编程语言Java作为开发工具,研制了一种易用、灵活、智能型的在线绘图平台。

    An easy using and flexible and intelligent online drawing software is developed on analyzing the character of descriptive geometry teaching and based on the principle of computer graphics and using Java as developed tool .

  14. 介绍了在画法几何教学中如何应用AutoCAD三维造型功能辅助教学,增强和启发学生的空间想象和思维能力,以提高教学效率和效果。

    AutoCAD solid modeling as an auxiliary way to teach engineering drawing is introduced in order to stimulate students ? imagination , develop their thinking ability and improve teaching .

  15. 因此VRML可作为一种适于网络传输的画法几何和机械制图教学模型的制作方法。

    So VRML is a new tool to make the instructional model of descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing , which fit to transport in network .

  16. 全面地阐述了在制作画法几何及机械制图课程CAI课件过程中,采用特殊的处理方法处理大量图形、图片的过程和方法。

    In the process of making CAI software for brushwork geometry and machine drawing , the process and methods of dealing with a large number of pictures and graphs are expounded by using special methods .

  17. 简述了智能CAI是计算机辅助教学发展的趋势,并通过分析画法几何习题的特点,提出了自动解题的解决方案。

    This paper gives an outline introduction that intelligent CAI is the development tendency of CAI . It also analyzes the characteristics of the praxis in Descriptive Geometry and puts forward its particular problem automatic solving project .

  18. 根据画法几何中的旋转重合原理,给出了利用直角三角形法求椭圆短轴及用旋转投影法画椭圆的新方法。系统地介绍了E.介绍这一系统的原理、构造及操作。

    According to the rotation projection principle of descriptive geometry , a new method to construct an ellipse is presented by use of the right triangle principle to draw the minor axis and the rotating projection methed to draw the ellipse .

  19. 基于CAD-3D技术的画法几何图解法研究

    Research on the Graphic Solution Method in Descriptive Geometry Based on CAD-3D Technology

  20. 建立了一个比较完整的画法几何计算机辅助教学系统(简称CADGIS),该系统对画法几何教学过程能进行较为灵活、真实的模拟。

    The creation and development of the Computer Aided Instruction System for Descriptive Geometry ( CADGIS ) is thoroughly described .

  21. 对比学生在接受图学教育前后的MCT得分情况,表明:画法几何部分的教学效果与MCT得分成正相关,学生从平面图形到三维立体图形的空间认知能力有明显提高;

    The MCT average mark of fore-and-after graphics education shows that the effect of teaching descriptive geometry has a strong correlation with MCT test and students ' space cognitive abilities from 2D drawing to 3D model have been improved obviously .

  22. 应用透视仿射对应法解画法几何问题

    Solutions of Problems in Descriptive Geometry by Applying Perspective Affine Correspondence

  23. 关于画法几何解题方法的探讨

    Discuss of solve problem method about geometry of technique of drawing

  24. 三维画法几何中有效换面次数的研究

    Research into Effection Change Projection Plane Time about Three-Dimensional Projective Geometry

  25. 利用辅助球面法解决画法几何中的一些问题

    On Solving Some Problems in Descriptive Geometry by Assistant Spherical Surface

  26. 应用斜投射法研究画法几何中图解问题

    Solving graphic problems in descriptive geometry by using oblique projection method

  27. 画法几何中有关不可解题的判别方法的研究

    Study of discriminate method of unsolvable problem in descriptive geometry

  28. 射影几何在画法几何解题中的应用

    Application of Projective Geometry to Solving Problems in Drawing Geometry

  29. 画法几何与机械制图试题库的开发

    The Development of Descriptive Geometry and Mechanical Drawing Test System

  30. 学科融合是画法几何改革的根本途径

    Thorough reform on descriptive geometry is mixing together the subjects