
pí xià xuè zhǒnɡ
  • Subcutaneous hematoma;ecchymoma
  1. 仅3例(3.2%)术后出现皮下血肿,无严重合并症,肾功能无明显改变;

    Except ecchymoma occurred in three cases ( 3 . 2 % ), there was no serious complication ; renal function no change significantly ;

  2. 但两组切口裂开及皮下血肿的发生率差异无显著性(P0.05)。

    There was no difference between two groups in terms of incidence of wound disruption and subcutaneous haematoma .

  3. 10例病人术后3d有轻度眩晕,1例病人术后出现皮下血肿,1例病人出院后因感冒发生急性化脓性中耳炎,无其他手术并发症发生。

    After implantation , 10 patients had slight vertigo , 1 patient developed subcutaneous haematoma , one patient developed acute suppurative otitis media because of catching a cold after leaving the hospital . No significant surgical complications were encountered .

  4. 14只手产生并发症如神经损伤、皮下血肿、皮片成活不良及伤口Ⅱ期愈合等占17.8%。

    Such complications as nerve injuries , subcutaneous hemorrhage or secondary healing appeared on 14 hands ( 17.8 % ) .

  5. 在止血成功率、腹股沟皮下血肿及血管迷走神经反射方面两组差异无显著性(P>0·05)。

    But there were no notable differences in the success rate of hemostasis , groin hematoma and vasovagal reflex ( P > 0.05 ) .

  6. 持续性暗红色的伤口出血、弥漫性皮下血肿、肢体肿胀及青紫是静脉损伤的特点;

    Persistent red deep color bleeding at wound site , diffusive subcutaneous hematoma , edema and cyanosis of the extremities are characteristics of the venous injuries .

  7. 皮下血肿和隐神经损伤的发生率分别为0.8%(5/594)和1.2%(7/594)。

    The incidences of subcutaneous hematoma and saphenous nerve injury were 0.8 % ( 5 / 594 ) and 1.2 % (( 7 / 594 ),) respectively .

  8. 结果应用约束带患者的治疗组中失眠率、皮下血肿发生率、局部感染率较对照组失眠率、皮下血肿发生率、局部感染率均明显下降(P<0.05)。

    Results The incidence of insomnia , hypodermic hematoma and local infection in the study group was significantly lower than those of the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 结果:降纤酶所致不良反应主要有出血、荨麻疹、高热反应、皮肤试验阳性、肝功能损害、皮下血肿、血小板减少性紫癜、切口大出血以及动脉栓塞等。

    RESULTS : ADRs of defibrase mainly included bleeding , urticaria , high fever , positive cutantest , liver function injury , ecchymoma , purpura haemorrhagica , incision hemorrhea , and arterial embolism .

  10. 结果30例患者中,有5例患者出现心率减慢和血压降低,2例患者出现短暂的反应迟钝,1例皮下血肿,经及时处理后均恢复。

    As a result , 5 of 30 patients were found to have bradycardia and decreased blood pressure , 2 unresponsive , and 1 subcutaneous haematoma . They were all recovered after timely treatment .

  11. 3例皮下血肿;2例脑脊液漏,2例局部浅表感染。

    The postoperative early complications included necrosis of the incision margin in 2 cases , subcutaneous hematomas in 3 cases , leakage of cerebrospinal fluid in 2 cases and local superficial infection in 2 cases .

  12. 结果置管术中的常见并发症有:误穿动脉8例(3.6%),皮下血肿10例(4.5%),穿刺部位渗血3例(1.3%)。

    Results The common acute complications of catheterizations included inadvertent arterial puncture in 8 cases ( 3.6 % ), local hematoma in 10 cases ( 4.5 % ) and local bleeding in 3 cases ( 1.3 % ) .

  13. EKG:窦性停搏、窦性心动过缓、Ⅱ度房宣传导阻滞,Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞,常见的并发症:局部感染、皮下囊血肿、电极脱位。

    The common complications were local infection , subcutaneous hematoma and electrode dislocation .

  14. 术后1例出现皮下隧道血肿,保守治愈,无神经损伤及甲状旁腺并发症发生。

    Postoperative subcutaneous hematoma occurred in 1 case and was cured by conservative management . No nerve damage or parathyroid complications were observed .

  15. 切口皮下局限性血肿3例,无皮肤麻木等其他并发症发生。

    Localized subcutaneous hematoma beneath the incision occurred in 3 patients , but no skin numbness or other complications took place .