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lì qiū
  • Beginning of Autumn—the 13th of the 24 solar terms;the day marking the beginning of the 13th solar term ;period of the 13th seasonal division
  • autumn comes
立秋 [lì qiū]
  • [the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)] 二十四节气之一,在8月7、8或9日。中国以立秋为秋季的开始

  1. 早立秋凉飕飕,晚立秋热死牛。

    If autumn arrives early , it will be cool ; otherwise it will be hot .

  2. 经2a试验结果表明,立秋后对圃地杉苗继续施N肥,不会降低杉苗的抗寒能力,对杉苗无明显生长效应,秋后施N肥是一种浪费。

    Years experiment showed that application of N fertilizer after the beginning of Autumn in nursery had no evident effect on cold resistance and growth of Chinese for seedling .

  3. 立秋:立秋是指秋季的开始。

    The beginning of autumn : it means the beginning of autumn .

  4. 妈妈说已经立秋,我也恍然大悟。

    Mother said it is autumn , I recognized suddenly .

  5. 快到立秋,他又拉上了包月。

    Just before the autumn set in , he got a monthly job .

  6. 再接再励如琢如磨努力把《立秋》打造成国家舞台艺术精品

    Making Continued Effort to Perfect " The Beginning of the Autumn " into a National-caliber Stage Production

  7. 立秋,一个普通的节气,一个自然气候由热而凉的转折点。

    Beginning of Autumn , an ordinary seasonal dividion point , is the turning point from warm weather to coldness .

  8. 12月4日上午,话剧《立秋》专家座谈会在国家话剧院小排练场举行。

    On the morning of December 4 , a symposium on the drama was held in the National Modern Drama Theater .

  9. 这时节,虽然立秋已好久了,但到了中午,天气仍很热。

    This season , although the Beginning of Autumn already for ages , but arrived midday , weather still very hot .

  10. 而立春、立夏、立秋、立冬则反映了四季的开始。

    Start of Spring , Start of Summer , Start of Autumn and Start of Winter show the starts of the four seasons .

  11. 立春、立夏、立秋、立冬表示四季的开始。

    The Beginning of Spring , Beginning of Summer , Beginning of Autumn and Be-ginning of Winter mark the start of four seasons .

  12. 到了立秋,秋风一起天气凉爽,人的胃口就好了,需要吃点儿荤菜增加营养,补偿夏天的损耗。

    However a cooler weather after the day of Beginning of Autumn stimulates their appetite and they usually have oily and meat dishes for the lost in summer .

  13. 《立秋后题》是杜甫辞去司功参军之职后所作的一首诗,它是杜甫人生的一大转机的重要标志。

    Writing in autumn was one of the poems written by Du Fu after he had resigned the military post . It was the sign of the most important changing in his lifetime .