
  • 网络financing mechanism
  1. 民族地区金融发展和投融资机制初探

    Financial Development and Investment and Financing Mechanism in Minority Nationality Regions

  2. 中国市场化企业融资机制的形成与创新

    The Financing Mechanism of China 's Market-oriented Enterprises : Formation and Innovation

  3. 最终,SDR可能会成为IMF的主要、甚至是唯一的融资机制。

    Eventually SDRs could become the main , or even the only , mechanism for IMF financing .

  4. 澳大利亚企业还利用了允许“加速发行”(acceleratedofferings)的融资机制,“加速发行”可在数日内完成。

    Australian companies have also taken advantage of a capital raising regime that allows for " accelerated offerings " that can be completed within days .

  5. 为支持基于成果的融资机制在各国的设计和实施,世界银行组建了卫生成果创新信托基金(en),这对扩大该机制在很多国家的实施范围发挥了巨大作用。

    To support the design and implementation of RBF in countries , the Bank created the Health Results Innovations Trust Fund ( HRITF ), which plays a major role in scaling up RBF in many countries .

  6. 利用阿兰·斯密德教授的SSP范式对中国农业水利设施的产权安排和投融资机制进行全面和系统的理论分析,不仅是本文在研究方法上的一种创新,更是本文研究的一大特色。

    Germany by Professor Alan Smith · SSP paradigm of Chinese agriculture and irrigation facilities , property arrangements and investment and financing mechanism for a comprehensive and systematic theoretical analysis , this paper is not only an innovative research method , this study is a major characteristic .

  7. 城市水业投融资机制与资本战略

    Investment and financing mechanism in urban water industry Vs capital strategy

  8. 陕西创新水利投融资机制初探

    Innovative system of water project finance and investment in Shaanxi Province

  9. 建立合理可行的军事科研经费项目融资机制

    On establishing the project circulating funds mechanism of military scientific research

  10. 论城市自来水业投融资机制改革存在的问题与对策

    The Reform on Investment and Financing Mechanism of Urban Water Sector

  11. 我国造船工业贷款与融资机制探讨

    On the mechanism of loan and financing of our shipbuilding industry

  12. 对当前西安投融资机制问题的探析及对策建议

    A Study of Investment and Financing System in Xi'an and its Solution

  13. 农村基础教育融资机制研究

    A Study of Financing Mechanisms for the Basic Education in Rural Areas

  14. 高等教育的融资机制正在改革。

    The financing mechanisms of higher education are under revision .

  15. 对我国公立医疗机构融资机制改革的思考

    Thoughts on financial mechanism reform of state-owned medical institutes health service management

  16. 论建立农业科技成果产业化的投融资机制

    Establishing Investment and Financing Mechanism for Agricultural Technology Achievement Industrialization

  17. 构造电力企业证券投融资机制。

    Construct the stock investing and circulating system for electric power enterprises .

  18. 论民营企业可持续发展的融资机制

    On the Financing Mechanism for Non-government Firms ' Sustainable Development

  19. 中小企业融资机制之研究

    A Study of Capital Raising Syatem for Small - and Medium-sized Enterprises

  20. 创造良好的投资融资机制。

    The government should supply a good conditions for investment and financing ;

  21. 建立农村建设用地整理多元融资机制。

    To set up multiple financing mechanism of rural construction land consolidation .

  22. 基于权益不对称下股权融资机制设计

    The Equity Financing Mechanism Design Based on Asymmetry Equity

  23. 医院融资机制分析与资本运营

    Analyses of Patterns of Hospitals Financing and Capital Operating

  24. 私有林经营中的抵押贷款融资机制研究

    Study on Financing Mechanism in the Mortgage and Loan in Managing Private Forests

  25. 建立和完善商业性地勘工作投融资机制;

    Establish and perfect investment and financing mechanism of commercial geological exploration work ;

  26. 金融弱化现象中的融资机制:金融支持中部崛起的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of Financial Support to the Development of Central of China

  27. 我国高速公路投融资机制的创新研究

    Research on the Innovation of Investment and Financing Mechanism for China 's Highway

  28. 中小企业融资机制的创新和选择

    Innovation and Choice of SMEs ' Financing System

  29. 家族企业融资机制创新

    Innovation on the Financing Mechanism of Family Businesses

  30. 我国风险资本的融资机制研究

    Research on Financing Mechanism of Chinese Venture Capital