
  1. 唾液酸酶(sialidase/SD)是一种糖苷酶(glycosidase),功能是从糖蛋白和糖脂的非还原末端水解唾液酸(sialicacid)。

    Sialidase is a kind of glycosidase , which can hydrolyzing sialic acid from non-deoxidized end glycogen and glycolipid .

  2. 因为它没有还原性末端,它是一个非还原性糖。

    Since it has no reducing end , it is a nonreducing sugar .

  3. p-葡萄糖苷酶(E.C3.2.1.21.)能够水解糖苷键,从糖苷或寡糖上释放非还原的末端葡萄糖残基。

    β - glucosidases ( E.C3.2.1.21 ) are enzymes that hydrolyze the glycosidic bonds to release non-reducing terminal glucosyl residues from glycosides and oligosaccharides .

  4. 因此如前面单糖部分所述,它是还原性末端。会形成六元环形式的平衡。

    Therefore , it is the reducing end and will be in equilibrium with alpha and beta six-membered ring forms , as described earlier for monosaccharides .