
  • 网络Albuquerque;Albian
  1. 内蒙古集宁盆地阿尔布期&土伦期新地层的发现

    Discovery of a New Stratum of the Albian-Turonian Stage in the Jining Basin , Inner Mongolia

  2. 开会之前,汤玛斯邀请我们到阿尔布奎克北部他的地方,参加一个称做汗的特殊祈祷仪式。

    Before attending the conference , Thomas invited us to come to a special prayer ceremony called a sweat at his land north of albuquerque .

  3. 德国航空航天中心的阿尔布-舍费尔说:很长一段时间以来,人们认为法律方面的问题甚至比技术方面的问题更难解决。

    Mr Albu-Schaeffer at the German Aerospace Centre says : For a long time the legal aspects were considered even more difficult to solve than the technical .

  4. 摘要在1:25万鸡西市幅区域地质调查中,于早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世早期阿尔布-赛诺曼期猴石沟组砂岩中发现大型脊椎动物化石。

    Many large vertebrate fossils were discovered in the sandstone of the late early Cretaceous-early lat Cretaceous Albian-Cenomanian Houshigou formation during regional geological survey of the1:250000 Jixi City sheet .