
yù fàng diàn
  • Pre discharge;predischarge;pre-arcing;pre-sparking
预放电[yù fàng diàn]
  1. 预放电、空间电荷和击穿的分散性

    Predischarge 、 Sqace Charge and Dispersiveness of the Breakdown

  2. 关于预放电参数测量回路的研究

    A System for Measuring Predischarge Parameters

  3. 逊脉冲法测量SF6/N2的预放电参数

    Swarm parameters measured in SF 6 / n 2 gas mixtures using the pulsed Townsend method

  4. SF6-CO2混合气体预放电参数和击穿的研究

    Investigation on Electron Swarm Parameters and Breakdown in SF_6-CO_2 Mixtures

  5. 确定SF6-CO2预放电参数的激光脉冲方法

    A laser pulse method for determination of electron swarm parameters in sf_6-co_2

  6. 研究冲击电压下SF6预放电过程的光电及电流信号方法

    PMT And Current Probe Methods Used for Studying Predischarge Process in SF_6 under Impulse Voltages

  7. 研究结果表明,用PMT及电流法有一定局限性,而NV可以作为研究及检测气体绝缘装置(GIS)局部预放电的重要手段。

    Experiments show that while the photomultiplier method and the current pulse method may have some limitations , the image intensifier method can be a good means to detect partial discharges in gas & insulated systems .

  8. SO2预放电参数的研究

    A Survey of Pre-Breakdown Parameters of SO_2

  9. 本文讨论了在很广的实验参数范围内O2&CO2混合气体中的预放电过程的各种反应及电流的增长。

    Current growth curves have been obtained in O_2-CO_2 mixtures over a wide range of experimental parameters .

  10. 雷电预放电阶段建筑物框架和大地上感应电荷分布的数值计算

    Numerical Computation of Distribution of Inductive Charge in Building Frame and Ground during the Period of Lightning Pre-discharging

  11. 从试验验证角度出发,进行了放电通道形成过程的高速拍照,并利用光电倍增管及预放电电流检测系统分别对先导形成过程中的预放电发光和预放电电流进行了测量。

    The measurements are carried out by a high-speed frame camera , a photomultiplier and a predischarge current detecting system .

  12. 对固体介质内部空间电荷、介质分界面处表面电荷及气体介质内部空间预放电电荷的测量技术进行综述。

    Approaches for the measurement of spatial charge in solid dielectrics are reviewed , surface charge on the surface of insulator and pre-discharge charge in gas dielectrics .

  13. 当真空灭弧室的真空度劣化时,其内部触头电极与屏蔽罩间隙的放电电流会逐渐增大,且预放电电流含有高频脉冲信号。

    When vacuum pressure deteriorates , pre-discharge current between electrodes and shield will increase gradually with the operation of inner electrods and contains high frequency impulse signals .

  14. 结果表明,增加材料表面的粗糙度、改变绝缘子的外形以及预放电处理等都能有效的提高沿面闪络电压。

    The results show that increasing the roughness of materials , changing the shape of insulators and other pre-discharge treatment can effectively improve the surface flashover voltage . Secondly , the three-electrode system of breakdown experiment was introduced .

  15. 发现洁净绝缘表面电导随空气湿度变化时沿绝缘表面的工频电场分布有显著变化,并通过实验研究首次提出证实了沿面电场分布的这种变化对工频预放电以及工频闪络电压的影响。

    The results show that air humidity evidently affects the field distribution along clean insulating surfaces by the surface conductivity and it was confirmed that this effect of humidity will lead to the variation of both predischarge and flashover when AC voltage is applied .

  16. 紫外预电离放电激励XeCl激光器的工作特性

    Operation properties for XeCl excimer laser excitated by UV-preionized discharge

  17. 采用聚四氟乙烯板表面预电离放电激发XeF准分子紫外发射谱

    XeF Excimer UV Emission Spectrum Excited by Discharge with Surface Preionization over the Teflon Plate

  18. 在紫外光预电离放电泵浦的KrCl激光振荡-放大系统中激光脉宽的展宽

    Broadening of laser pulse duration of a KrCl laser oscillator-amplifier system pumped by UV discharge preionization

  19. 对实验测得的预击穿放电时间进行了分析。

    The time of prebreakdown discharge phase measured in experiment , is theoretically analyzed .

  20. 采用含卤素面预电离板放电激发的N2激光器

    Nitrogen Laser Excited by Discharge with Surface Preionization over the Containing Halogen Plate

  21. 报道了大体积火花预电离横向放电的脉冲HF激光器。

    A large volume spark preionized pulsed HF laser is reported .

  22. 结果表明,引入适当强度的磁场可提高净化效率,理想的预荷电放电电压为-6kV(直流);根据具体情况,集尘板间距和粒子的初速度存在着一个最佳值。

    The results show that the purification efficiency is enhanced by proper magnetic field , - 6 kV direct current voltage is an optimal value and there are two optimal values of the plate span and the initial particle speed according to different situations .

  23. 脉冲预电离纵向脉冲放电CO2激光器

    Longitudinal pulsed discharge CO_2 laser with pulsed preionization

  24. 同时还观察到ECR预电离对减少放电初期的硬X射线和轻杂质(CⅣ)的辐射有比较明显的作用。

    The radiation intensity of light impurity C ⅳ and hard X-ray emission are also reduced noticeably .

  25. 预处理工艺对放电等离子烧结超细晶WC-Co硬质合金组织和性能的影响

    Effect of Pretreatment on Microstructure and Properties of Ultrafine WC-Co Cermets Sintered by Spark Plasma Sintering

  26. X光预电离脉冲雪崩放电中XeCl的形成效率和电子去激发速率

    The formation efficiency and electron de-excitation rate constant for XeCl ~ in X-ray preionized pulse avalanche discharge

  27. 介绍了TEACO2激光器火花针紫外预电离与主放电之间的延迟时间对激光器输出电光转换效率影响的实验研究结果。

    This paper introduces to the experiment results of a impact of the delay time changes between spark pin UV preionization and main discharge on the optoelectronic conversion efficiency in a TEA CO_2 laser .

  28. 激励软X光激光的毛细管预-主脉冲放电装置

    Device of capillary discharge with pre-pulse and main pulse to excite soft X-ray laser

  29. 基于数学形态学预处理的神经元放电检测

    Neural spike detection based on mathematical morphology preprocessing

  30. 对两种预电离源的放电电压和电流进行测量,得到瞬态信息。

    The transient discharge voltage and current of the two pre ionization sources were measured also .