
  • 网络malagasy;Madagascars;Madagascan
  1. Cox博士和他的同事们因此能进行印尼人和马达加斯加人线粒体基因组的数据比对,从而推断出原本相同的线粒体DNA天各一方后发生的任何遗传变化都是源于一些罕见的基因突变。

    Dr Cox and his colleagues were therefore able to make a statistical comparison of Indonesian and Malagasy mitochondrial genomes knowing that any changes which had occurred since they separated would be the result of rare mutations . These can be spotted and accounted for .

  2. Cox博士最近在学术期刊《皇家学会进展》(ProceedingsoftheRoyalSociety)发表的文章中对266名马达加斯加人进行DNA抽样,同现有的2745名印尼人的DNA样品进行了比对,得出了以上结论。

    He drew this conclusion , just published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society , by sampling the DNA of 266 Malagasy people and comparing it with existing samples from 2745 Indonesians .

  3. 由于已确定马达加斯加人和印尼人的DNA是在约1200年前分开的——这与考古学家们统计得出的马达加斯加成为殖民地的时间相近,接着Cox博士带领的小组就开始对随机抽取的那一时期的数据进行女性人数的解析,

    Having confirmed that Malagasy and Indonesian DNA separated about 1200 years ago , which is statistically close to the date archaeologists suggest Madagascar was colonised , the team then asked their data how many women , drawn at random from the Malay Archipelago of that period ,

  4. 香草是马达加斯加人的一种战略经济作物。

    The vanilla is a strategic product for Malagasy economy .

  5. 那么,首批马达加斯加人也很可能是因船只失事而意外漂流到该岛的,而这批人后来也没办法回到家乡。

    Most likely , then , the first Malagasy were accidental castaways , news of whose adventure never made it back home .

  6. 再次,基因学证据已证明现代的马达加斯加人与东印尼人以及相距更遥远的美拉尼西亚人和生活在大洋洲的人都是有联系的。

    And third , genetic evidence has linked the modern Malagasy with people living in eastern Indonesia as well as farther off in Melanesia and Oceania .

  7. 马达加斯加人想让他们新的、繁殖力强的朋友撒遍全国,提供一种附加的“作物”的热情可能产生适得其反的效果。

    The enthusiasm that many Malagasy seem to have for spreading their new and fecund friends around the country , to provide an additional " crop ", may thus backfire .

  8. 世上罕有的陆地龟,马达加斯加人为了让他们饲养的家畜所吃的草更加繁盛而放火烧林,使得这种漂亮的动物逐渐减少。

    One of the rarest land tortoises in the world , this beautiful animal has been diminished by the fires which Malagasy farmers use to promote the growth of grasses that their cattle like to eat .

  9. 非洲马达加斯加一百五十三人死于神秘病毒。

    153 people died of mysterious virus in Madagascar in africa .

  10. 另外一些著名的威尔士语言学家包括传教士大卫琼斯,以文字书写马达加斯加语的第一人;

    Other notable Welsh philologists were missionary David Jones who first put the Malagasy language of Madagascar into writing ;

  11. 齐默曼研究了马达加斯加上土地上的马达加斯加人。

    Zimmerman studied Malagasy populations on Madagascar .