
  • 网络Porridge;a bowl of porridge
  1. 奥立弗吃完一碗粥以后要求再添一些。

    After Oliver finished his bowl of porridge , he asked for more .

  2. 用一碗粥开启新的一天。

    Start your day with a bowl of porridge .

  3. 老沙盖房在屋脊楔子上的冰和里,手中拿着一碗粥。

    Lao Sha lodges in a ridge with a bowl of porridge on a wedge of the ridge .

  4. 就连一些俄罗斯议员上周也抱怨,在他们用餐的食堂,一碗粥的价格从去年的20卢布(约合1.8元人民币)涨到了53卢布。

    Even members of Parliament complained last week that a bowl of porridge in their cafeteria had jumped to 53 rubles , from 20 last year .

  5. 他早餐只吃了一碗什锦粥。

    He only had a bowl of muesli for breakfast .

  6. 查理给自己煎了份鸡蛋,我吃了一碗麦片粥。

    Charlie fried eggs for himself ; I had my bowl of cereal .

  7. 因此,华氏98.6度,就像一碗麦片粥,恰到好处。

    So 98.6 , like that middle bowl of porridge , is just right .

  8. 我三口两口,灌下了一碗麦片粥和盒子里的一些橙汁。

    I threw down a quick bowl of cereal and some orange juice from the carton .

  9. 中国沈阳——天刚刚破晓,张宇增(音)匆匆喝下一碗热粥,把儿子送到学校,而后就来到南运河附近的一个街角。

    SHENYANG , China - Not long past the break of dawn , after downing a bowl of hot porridge and dropping off his son at school , Zhang Yuzeng made his way to a street corner near the Nanyun River .

  10. 早上6点,你的愿望只是想再多睡几分钟,然而事实却是你坐在餐桌前,无精打彩的面对着一碗麦片粥,尽力不让自己扎进碗里去。

    It 's six in the morning and all you want is a few more minutes of sleep , instead you find yourself at the breakfast table , head hung over a bowl of cereal , trying your best not to fall into it .

  11. 在施了魔法的天花板下,四个学院的长桌子上摆着一碗碗的粥、一盘盘的腌鲱鱼、堆成小山的面包片和一碟碟鸡蛋和咸肉。

    The four long House tables were laden with tureens of porridge , plates of kippers , mountains of toast , and dishes of eggs and bacon , beneath the enchanted ceiling .

  12. 工地上热气腾腾,与此相反,工伤事故病房却寂静无声。这对年轻的男女,叫了一碗热气腾腾的粥,坐下来,安闲地喝着。

    The construction site is seething with activity , and over against it , the dead calm of the casualty ward . The young man and woman ordered a basin each of the mixture , steaming hot , and sat down to consume it at leisure .

  13. 狼吞虎咽地吃完一碗香喷喷的麦片粥后,威利斯向主人表示感谢,“我现在好多了,但我知道爸爸会骂我的。”

    After swallowing a bowl of tasty porridge , Willis thanked his host . " I feel much better now . But I know pa 's going to scold me . "

  14. 一碗温暖的燕麦粥可以满足你几个小时,无需再吃什么小吃,并且保持血糖稳定&对糖尿病病人同样有用。

    A warm bowl of oatmeal fills you up for hours , fights snack attacks , and helps keep blood sugar levels stable over time & making it useful for people with diabetes , too .

  15. 唯一的一把椅子前的桌子上面放着一碗粥和一杯水。

    On the table was a bowl of porridge and a glass of water , in front of the only chair .

  16. 之后,他会吃掉一块三明治、一大堆薯片和一碗糊粥作为午餐,小息后还会吃去一大包饼干。

    He would then eat a sandwich , a large pack of crisps and a pasty for lunch before chomping on a whole packet of biscuits in the afternoon .

  17. 光是拨号就得花上很长一段时间,所以在等待的时候,我决定先去给自己弄一碗麦片粥。

    just dialing up took so long that I decided to go get myself a bowl of cereal while I waited .

  18. 一粒米虽然微不足道,但只有若干个一粒米,才能煮成一碗薄粥,给饱受饥饿的人增加一些能量。

    Although one grain of rice is hardly worth noticing , it is only by combining many grains of rice that there may be a bowl of porridge , bringing strength to those suffering from harsh starvation .

  19. 吃了十二两肉饼,一碗红豆小米粥,一边打着响嗝一边慢慢往家走。这对年轻的男女,叫了一碗热气腾腾的粥,坐下来,安闲地喝着。

    He downed twelve ounces of meat-filled pancakes and a bowl of red-bean millet porridge , then made his way slowly back , belching noisily . The young man and woman ordered a basin each of the mixture , steaming hot , and sat down to consume it at leisure .