
yī yán yì yǔ
  • every word and phrase
一言一语[yī yán yì yǔ]
  1. 他又愧又窘,知道一言一语都让他父亲听到了。

    Mortified , he knew his father had heard every word .

  2. 他的一言一语,一举一动都在不打自招。

    He was published by every gesture , by every word .

  3. 我们甚至能够不用一言一语就能沟通。

    We 're even able to communicate without saying a word to each other .

  4. 他的一言一语都富有个性。

    His every phrase is salted with personality .

  5. 豪华的宴会厅、庄重的婚礼仪式,在这里的一言一语都记录着爱情的甜蜜与生活的幸福。

    Grand feasting hall and superb wedding ritual will represent your sweet love and happy life .

  6. 她一读到他所写的关于当日发生在尼日斐花园的那段事情,就对他的一言一语都存着极大的偏见。

    With a strong prejudice against every thing he might say , she began his account of what had happened at Netherfield .

  7. 酷客的一言一语,在全世界轰动,我这是刚开始的第一天。

    Cool off in one statement one language at a sensation all over the world , This is my first day of the beginning .

  8. 教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成。

    Education commences at the mother 's knee , and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character .

  9. 只是这世上总有那么一人,哪怕她不曾对我讲过一言一语,但我却听得到她的声音。

    There is a person in the world , who never told me about a piece of word , but I do able to hear her voice .

  10. 伊丽莎白立刻发觉彬格莱小姐在仔细地看着她,注意她的一言一语,特别注意她跟达西小姐攀谈。

    Elizabeth soon saw that she was herself closely watched by Miss Bingley , and that she could not speak a word , especially to Miss Darcy , without calling her attention .

  11. 那些好人一举一动都同时遵从着自然的艺术冲动,一言一语至少唱出一些东西,所以感情稍有波动,便立刻尽情高歌一曲。

    who simultaneously with every action follows a natural artistic impulse , who accomplishes his speech with a little singing , in order that he may immediately break forth into full song at the slightest emotional excitement .

  12. 接下来发生了一场争论,各位乐团成员你一言我一语地花了两个多小时试图说服辛普森和他的女友。

    An argument ensued , with various band members joining in and haranguing Simpson and his girlfriend for over two hours .

  13. 格朗泰尔正在和他的一个对手你一言我一语。

    It was Grantaire holding a dialogue with an adversary .

  14. 每一言每一语

    By every word I hear

  15. 在我们开始品酒之前,大家就实际的味觉偏好与市场营销手段的话题你一言我一语地讨论了一番。

    Before we began tasting , there was a brief back and forth about actual palate preferences versus marketing techniques .

  16. 你一言,我一语,谈得很热闹。

    A lively conversation went on with everybody joining in .