
qī cǎi bīn fēn
  • blazing with color
  1. 他们会把常青树和七彩缤纷的灯泡填满每个家庭和商店。

    They have been filling homes and stores with evergreen trees and bright , colored lights .

  2. 漫步七彩缤纷的世界,内心却深深地眷恋着那纯粹的洁白。

    Walking leisurely in the colourful world , my heart is but sentimentally attached to the pure white .

  3. 新的一年开始,祝好事接二连三,心情四季如春,生活五颜六色,七彩缤纷,偶尔八点小财,烦恼抛到九霄云外!

    New Year wish good barrage , mood and life colorful , permanent spring-like colourful , occasionally , little trouble at all !

  4. 最七彩缤纷、光怪陆离的,不是黑夜下的赌场,是人生

    Seven are most colored in riotous profusion , strange and unusual , be not the gambling house under dark night , be life

  5. 小朋友可以用七彩缤纷的彩沙将小瓶子装满,或是用彩沙替贴纸图片上色,制作独一无异的艺术品。

    Children can either fill up small bottles with colored sand to make a magical little piece of art or put sand on a sticker paper picture to make a great piece of artwork .