
  • 网络july school
  1. 用生活来写作&七月派现实主义的缘起与表征片论

    Life : Origin and Token of " July School " Realism

  2. 七月派创作中的哀音

    Descending Tone in the Creation of July School

  3. 从流派的构成看七月派的存在形式与特征

    On the Existing Form and Features of July Group through Its Formation

  4. 胡风,是七月派小说的创立者和推动者。

    Hu Feng is the founder and promoter of the July group .

  5. 第一节指出,七月派小说的题材领域。

    Section I points out the subject scopes of the July novels .

  6. 最后探讨七月派小说死亡叙事的力的美学风格。

    Finally , study the style of power from the Aesthetic Death narrative .

  7. 青年式的激扬&七月派小说艺术美学浅论

    On Art Aesthetics of July Group Fiction

  8. 现代·反思·延异&胡风与七月派现代性重读

    Modernity · Reflection · Difference & On Hu Feng and the Modernity of July Group

  9. 第四章为七月派小说的世界图像和思想图景。

    Chapter IV is the " world images and the conceptual pictures " of the July novels .

  10. 第二章是表明七月派小说理论和实践资源的内在冲突。

    Chapter II shows the inherent conflict between the theoretical and practical resources of July style novels .

  11. 也由于这种转型性,也导致了七月派小说在思想和形式上的混沌性。

    This transition results in the " chaos " of July novels both in idea and in form .

  12. 审美现代性的多维展开&胡风与七月派的文学意态整体观

    Multinomial Development of Aesthetic Modernity & Holistic View on the Literary Ideology of Hu Feng and July Style

  13. 七月派小说家中成就最高的是路翎和丘东平。

    Of all the July Group novelists , lu Ling and Qiu Dongping are with the highest achievements .

  14. 第一节主要指出,胡风文艺思想的复杂性和两难性对七月派小说的影响。

    Section I pointes out the impact of the complexity and dilemma of Hu Feng literary idea on July novels .

  15. 第二节,是通过七月派小说的关键词原始强力,来说明苦难之中知识分子国家民族叙事的表征。

    Section II characterizes the intellectual national narrative in tribulation through the keywords " original power " of July novels .

  16. 对人性矛盾性、丰富性的观察体验延续了七月派小说的风格。

    The observation toward the contradiction and complexity of human nature inherits the style of " September School " novels .

  17. 胡风是中国现代著名的文艺理论家、活动家、七月派的领头人。

    Hu Feng , a renowned theoretician and activist in modern China , is leader of the " Qiyue School " .

  18. 路翎是现代文学中一位独具特质的文学新星,又是七月派中的极其重要的一员。

    Lu Ling is an unique literary star in modern literature sky . And he is an important member of July writers .

  19. 他不仅从理论上武装了七月派小说,而且从创作实践上直接导致了七月派小说的复杂性。

    Not only did he equip the July novels theoretically , but his creative practice led to the complexity of the July novels .

  20. 上市公司关联交易相关社会主义法制问题研究与胡风现实主义交相辉映&七月派文艺思想群论

    Listed Companies Affiliated Transactions Related to the Socialist Legal System Studies A Study of the Literary and Artistic Thought of the July School

  21. 七月派是中国现代文学史上极富探索精神而又具有悲剧命运的文学流派。

    With tragic fate , July Group is a literary genre which is rich in exploring spirit in the history of Chinese modern literature .

  22. 与此同时,力争立体地展示七月派这一丰富、复杂的创作群体在文学史上的贡献。

    At the same time , efforts will be made to reveal the contributions of this abundant and sophisticated writing group in the literary history .

  23. 第三节指出,七月派小说的主题模型,即战争和人性的冲突,理想和现实的冲突。

    Section III notes that the theme model of the July novels is the conflict between war and humanity , the conflict between ideal and the reality .

  24. 由于极左思潮的影响,七月派在中国现代文学史上一直没能得到合理的评价。

    Because of the influence of ultra-left ideological trend ," July School " had been failing to receive reasonable appraisal in the history of modern Chinese Literature .

  25. 硝烟弥漫的二十世纪三十年代诞生了七月派,七月派小说的创作自始至终贯穿着一种深沉的悲剧精神。

    Amid the war of 20th century , the July School was born in the 1930s , whose novels throughout deeply imbued with a spirit of tragedy .

  26. 胡风与七月派的现代性处于主流政治话语和现代主义后现代主义的夹缝中,其现代性价值一直未能得到恰如其分的揭示。

    Being located among the main political discourse , modernism and post modernism , the modernity of Hu Feng and July Group has not yet been clearly revealed .

  27. 曾卓是“七月派”的代表诗人,又是共和国初期文坛悲壮的受难者。

    Zeng Zhuo is a representative poet of the " School of July " and a heroic victim in the literary circles in the early period of New China .

  28. 他的理论批评彰显了胡风的主观战斗精神,所引发的论争强化了七月派的声势和品格。

    His theories and animadversions showed the " subjective combat spirit " of Hu Feng , and a contestation which enhanced the character and the force of July Style .

  29. 路翎是七月派中作品最多,成就最高的作家。

    Lu Ling was the most successful writers in July . In the early 40s , and the quantity of his works is more than the other workers in his time .

  30. 突入现实、搏击生活的思想力与艺术力&论七月派主体性现实主义审美方式

    Plunging into Reality and Battling with Life ′ s " Ideological Quality " and " Artistic Quality " & The Argument of the July School ′ s Subjective Realism Aesthetic Mode