
  • 【地名】【安哥拉、秘鲁】Huambo
  1. 公关公司万博宣伟(WeberShandwick)7月对1000人所做的调查发现,26%的受访者都曾经因为无礼不友善的工作环境而辞过职。

    A July survey of 1 , 000 people from public-relations firm Weber Shandwick found that 26 % of respondents had quit a job because of an uncivil workplace .

  2. 这一描述引起不少网友的共鸣,并在新浪微博(中国的Twitter社交网)上引起了讨论。“中国校服真的丑吗”这一微博话题被浏览了1.1亿次,更有67万博友留言。

    Such descriptions resonate among many netizens and many left comments on Sina Weibo , China 's Twitter-like networking site , where the hashtag note , ' Are Chinese school uniforms really ugly ' was viewed by 110 million readers and attracted more than 670000 comments .

  3. Etosha一词,在奥万博人(theOvambo)的语言中指的是“巨大的白色之地”,1800平方英里(4800平方公里)范围内一片波光粼粼,干燥的气温,烘烤的粘土,看起来如此的超凡脱俗。

    Etosha , whose name means " great white place " in the language of the Ovambo people , is a 1800 square-mile ( 4800 square-kilometer ) expanse of shimmering , dry , baked clay that looks suitably otherworldly .

  4. 咱们来听万博广播。

    Let 's listen to the Wanbo boarding school broadcast .

  5. 没有,万博会有便衣警察把强盗抓到了。

    HUSSEIN : No. Some undercover policemen at the Fair caught the thieves .

  6. 我爱绵阳万博实验学校。

    I love Mianyang Wanbo boarding school !

  7. 首先,本文介绍了万博网络会计体系的特点和其实施基础。

    First , this article introduced the characteristic and operation foundation of WNT networks accountants system .

  8. 我很喜欢到万博会玩,但是,带给我最大的乐趣,还是孩子们。

    I am enjoying the Fair , but most of all , I am enjoying the children .

  9. 万博酒店管理顾问有限公司将与我们的客户携手共创美好明天。

    One Point Hotel Management & Consultation Co. , Ltd , will join hands with our clients to create a beautiful future .

  10. 如今,18个月过去了,他成为万博市中心一家商店的副经理,这个店出售中国的小玩意。

    Now , 18 months later , he is the deputy manager of a shop in the central town of Huambo selling Chinese bric-a-brac .

  11. 万博宣伟自2010年开始每年都会进行这样一次调查。2016年该公司发现,普通人每周平均会遭遇6.2起不文明行为或不必要的口角之争。

    Weber Shandwick has conducted this survey annually since 2010 , and found in 2016 that people reported encountering an average of 6.2 instances per week of obnoxious behavior or uncalled-for speech .

  12. 自今年2月以来发现的这些所有病例都处在首都罗安达或者那些以往没有脊灰的省份(比耶、本戈、万博、北隆达和南隆达)。

    All of these cases have been detected since February in the capital Luanda or in provinces which were previously polio-free ( Bie , Bengo , Huambo , Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul ) .

  13. 尽管很多例子表明中国的工程质量低下,但也有世界级建筑的例子,例如宋京及其同事去年在安哥拉中部城镇万博修建的篮球体育场。

    Also , while there are many cases of low standards of Chinese work , equally there are cases of world-class building , such as the basketball stadium that Mr Song and his colleagues built last year in the central Angolan town of Huambo .