
  • 网络3d solid model
  1. 以Pro/E软件系统为平台,建立具有基于特征和参数化的大车行走机构三维实体模型图形库;

    Based on Pro / E system platform , the graphic base of 3D solid model with feather-based and parametric characteristics has been created for Container Crane 's Gantry ;

  2. 介绍了由三维实体模型自动生成符合实际工程需要的工程图样及打印输出的方法与技巧。

    The methods of producing the engineering drawings automatically with engineering requirement by its solid model were introduced , and a new method and technique of plotting were put forward .

  3. CAD真三维实体模型在地下洞室边墙稳定性评价中的应用

    Application of CAD three-dimensional model to the stability analysis of underground cavity 's wall

  4. 用图解法在AutoCAD环境下创建三维实体模型

    Create 3D solid model by the diagrammatical method in AutoCAD environment

  5. 基于AutoCAD的三维实体模型生成二维平面图形的方法

    Method of 3D Solid Mode Based on AutoCAD Creating 2D Drawings

  6. 根据CT数据反求出三维实体模型,采用生物材料快速成形的耳软骨支架,不仅造型准确逼真、手术创伤小,而且价格低廉。

    The rapid manufactured auricular scaffold with biomaterial based on the reengineered model on CT data is both exactly shaped and cheap .

  7. Lab建立了直升机周期操纵系统和总距操纵系统三维实体模型。

    Lab , 3-dimensional digital model of cycle control system and collective pitch system are established .

  8. AutoCAD三维实体模型及应用

    D Solid Models in AutoCAD and Their Applications

  9. Solidworks与AutoCAD相结合生成渐开线齿轮三维实体模型

    A drawing methods of involute gear 3-D model with Solidworks and AutoCAD

  10. 基于VRML的虚拟三维实体模型库的建立

    Realization of the Virtual Model Library for Engineering Drawing Based on VRML

  11. 用VBA编程生成螺纹三维实体模型

    Using Program of VBA to Generate 3D Solid Model of Thread

  12. 为分析裂缝产生的原因,采用ANSYS建立三维实体模型。

    This paper use ANSYS to establish a 3-dimentional model to analyse the reason which cause the crack in the webs .

  13. 进行了零件的详细设计,在SolidWorks中建立了三维实体模型。

    The parts was designed detailedly and created three-dimensional solid model in SolidWorks .

  14. 基于GMS基岩矿区地下水三维实体模型的构建

    Building of Groundwater 3-D Solid Model in Bedrock Region Based on GMS

  15. 本CAD系统采用参数化设计技术,使得系统可自动生成三维实体模型,提高了设计效率。

    The system utilizes the parameterized technology , a 3-dimensional solid model can be automatically generated by the system , and the design efficiency is obviously enhanced .

  16. 作为注塑模智能CAD系统的一个重要组成部分,本系统旨在实现对任一常见注塑制品脱模方式的智能化推断及相应脱模机构三维实体模型的自动生成。

    Its aim is to realize the intelligent selection for ejecting way of any common plastic product and automatic generation for the according 3D model of ejection system .

  17. 设计人员输入初始设计参数,CAD系统通过分析设计,并将设计结果通过Pro/ENGINEER系统输出三维实体模型和工程视图。

    Designer inputs primary design parameters , the CAD system software deal with the data and output 3D solid model and its drawing via Pro / ENGINEER system .

  18. 根据建立好的三维实体模型,构建基于Pro/ENGINEER和ADAMS联合的AUV虚拟样机。

    The virtual prototype of AUV is built based on the ADAMS software combined with Pro / ENGINEER .

  19. 在UG平台建立内框架三维实体模型,并对框架结构进行合理的简化。

    Three-dimensional entity model of inner - gimbal is built on the platform of UG and is simplified reasonably .

  20. 根据机械基础教学的特点,利用Solidworks软件开发环境,建立了常用机械零件的三维实体模型,构筑了机械部件、组件的装配模型。

    Based on the Solidworks , common mechanical elements 3D model and their assembling models were established .

  21. 应用LOM法制作下颌骨及牙列的三维实体模型

    3D Solid Model of Mandible with Dental Arch via LOM Method

  22. 在此基础上,在OpenGL编程环境下,以四边形网格构造蜗杆理论型面,以边界表示法中的半边数据结构表达蜗杆实体,获得蜗杆的三维实体模型及其型面数据。

    Under OpenGL environment , we use four-side grids to reconstruct a worm surface and gain a solid modeling of worm .

  23. 针对板壳结构有限元分析的需要,将商用CAD软件生成的板壳结构的三维实体模型用STL文件格式输出。

    In order to meet the need of FEM analysis for plate and shell structure , a 3D solid model is output by STL file .

  24. 本文通过I-DEAS软件建立了变速箱系统的三维实体模型;

    By using software called I-DEAS , the transmission case 's 3-dimensional model is created .

  25. 传统的计算机辅助设计(ComputerAidedDesign,简称CAD)系统在生成工程图和三维实体模型方面十分有效,但不能很好地满足产品设计者在概念化设计阶段经常遇到的修改和形状的选择。

    The traditional Computer Aided Design system is very efficient on building engineering drawing and 3D entity model , but it does not satisfy the designer who often encounters modification and choice in the conceptualism design phase .

  26. 采用CAD建模技术,得到标准ITI种植体和TM种植体的三维实体模型。

    Obtain the three-dimensional solid models of the standard ITI implant and TM implants , based on the CAD modeling technology . 4 .

  27. 利用Pro/E软件对RY型离心泵过流部件进行实体造型,建立离心泵的三维实体模型。

    Establishing the three-dimensional entity model of centrifugal pump using Pro / E4 .

  28. 按照模块化的设计方法对机械手的机械结构进行了设计并且在Solidworks环境下建立了三维实体模型与装配。

    Mechanical structure of manipulator has been designed and three-dimensional model has been built in SolidWorks according to modularized design method .

  29. 从平衡角度出发分析曲轴设计中存在的问题:首先利用CAD技术建立精确的曲轴三维实体模型,并对模型进行平衡性计算,得出曲轴在设计阶段产生的不平衡数据&静不平衡;

    This paper introduces a method of crankshaft design based on the balance analysis . A 3-D modular of crankshaft is made up and the balance of the modular is analyzed with CAD technology .

  30. 在Pro/E中建立了不含绳索的井架起升装置三维实体模型,进而建立了ADAMS几何模型。

    Three-dimensional entity model of derrick raising mechanism without cable is built by Pro / E , and then the geometrical model is created using ADAMS .