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shàng guān
  • Shangguan;leader;a surname
上官 [shàng guān]
  • (1) [surname]∶复姓

  • (2) [leader]∶高官;大官

上官[shàng guān]
  1. 通过SEM和IR光谱分析,可以观察到纤维表面污渍的附着形态,纤维上官能团的变化。

    From the SEM and IR spectroscopy , attachment patterns and functional groups of fiber surface can be observed .

  2. 据我们所知,除我们组外这类在QA羰基位置上官能化的化合物的应用还未见报道。

    To the best of our knowledge , the functionalization on carbonyl positions of QA and exploration of application of such compounds has rarely been carried out except our group .

  3. 像这样的判断可能使我们吃上官司的。

    A judgment like that can cost us a conviction .

  4. 他因不付租金而惹上官非。

    He was taken to court for non-payment of rent .

  5. 你想吃上官司吗?

    Who you trying to be * R.kelly ?

  6. 论上官氏文学世家及其影响

    On Shangguan Family-the Literary Family and Its Influence

  7. 老友上官说,最近她在吃蔬菜饼。

    An old friend , Shangkuan , told me she had veggie pancakes lately .

  8. 玛莉遇上她的神秘倾慕者,却同时在爱情路上惹上官非。

    Mary meets her secret admirer but faces legal issues on the road to romance .

  9. 上官来弟的紫貂皮大衣,当然只能包裹着上官来弟的孩子。

    The purple mink coat belonged to Shangguan Laidi and the baby had got to be hers .

  10. 上官金童从他面前那些横躺竖卧着的人们的衣着上,明显地感觉到了一个崭新时代的气息。

    Shangguan Jintong sensed , from the way the young men dressed , that a new age had come .

  11. 可爱的多摩佩戴上官帽和站长徽章,不久就成了家喻户晓的“名猫”。

    The adorable Tama , with his official hat and station master badge , soon became a nationwide celebrity .

  12. 同时的,在外面,上官雨诗等人也皱起了眉头。

    Is simultaneous , in the outside , final officer rain poem waited a human to likewise furrow up eyebrows .

  13. 虽然她最近才在脸书上官宣了此事,但其实早在2017年10月就曾有人目睹到他们二人在一起。

    Although she 's just made it Facebook official , the pair had been spotted together as early as Oct 2017 .

  14. 最小的乔纳森今年15岁,惹上官司后现在在青少年新兵训练营。

    The youngest , Jonathan , 15 , is now in a juvenile boot camp after running into trouble with the law .

  15. 要搞好人治,就得严以治吏,从严治吏又要先严上官,更要做好选拔人才、培养人才的工作。

    The first is strict with high officials and the more important is doing the work well which selects and cultivates the gifted person .

  16. 通过对脱镁叶绿酸-a甲酯卟吩环上官能团的修饰和改造,得到含有多种取代基的叶绿素-a衍生物。

    The chlorophyll-a derivatives with diversified substituted groups are obtained using methyl pheophorbide-a as starting material by modifying and transforming the functional groups on chlorin ring .

  17. 但更注重诗歌在艺术方面的追求,并取得了相当的成就,以上官仪的“绮错婉媚”和许敬宗的颂体诗为主要表现形式。

    But more emphasis on the pursuit of poetry in the arts , and has achieved considerable success in Shangguanyi " Qi-Cuo-Wan-Mei " and Xujingzong poetry as the main body of Chung manifestations .

  18. 他在小说《蛙》里创造的人物“乡村医生”是以他的姨妈为原型的,在他的书《丰乳肥臀》中描述了一个叫上官金童的典型中国知识分子以折射其精神。

    He created the figure " rural doctor " based on his aunt in his novel " Frogs , " and described a typical Chinese intellectual called Shangguan Jintong to reflect his spirit in the book " Big Breasts and Wide Hips . "

  19. 从某种意义上讲其根本称不上官,但他们却是广大农村的组织基础,扮演着新农村建设中组织者、倡导者、实施者的重要角色。

    In a sense , rural leadership can not be called as " officals " . However , it is a very basic organization in Chinese rural areas , acting as the organizer , leader and executor in the building of new rural areas .

  20. 虽然这些实体的记录良莠不齐,但其中不乏优秀者,它们在运营上充分利用大企业的持久力大企业不必寻求快速退出,同时又不易患上官僚惰性。

    Although these entities have had a mixed record , the best of them are run in a way that exploits the staying power of the big company it does not have to seek a quick exit but is less prone to bureaucratic inertia .