
  • 网络the existence of God;God's Existence;presence of God;PRESENCE OF THE LORD
  1. 一个人认为上帝的存在令人震撼,不知道该说什么;

    He was overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord we had just experienced * and couldn 't even speak .

  2. 上帝的存在与否是超出人类所能理解的。

    The existence of God is beyond human understanding .

  3. 他对上帝的存在深信不疑。

    He is positive to believe in the being of god .

  4. 法国哲学家Pascal曾就上帝的存在与否尝试过一个形而上的推敲。

    The French philosopher Pascal famously attempted a metaphysical hedge with regards to the existence of God .

  5. 【哲学】n.不可知论者(相信无法证实上帝的存在但又不否认上帝存在可能性的人)adj.不可知论(者)的

    One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists Relating to or being an agnostic

  6. 而FraserWatts,这位英国国教教徒同时也是剑桥的科学历史学方面的专家说到,不是宇宙的存在证明了上帝的存在。

    And Fraser Watts , an Anglican priest and Cambridge expert in the history of science , said that it 's not the existence of the universe that proves the existence of God .

  7. 为什么上帝的存在对你来说并不重要?

    Why isn 't the existence of God important to you ?

  8. 他们在逻辑上早于上帝的存在。

    They are in their essence logically anterior to God .

  9. 上帝的存在可以用不言而喻的理由来证明。

    The existence of God can be proved by the unaided reason .

  10. 他们不相信上帝的存在。

    They did not believe in the existence of God .

  11. 我相信上帝的存在,我相信人类的尊严。

    I believe in God , and I believe in human decency .

  12. 我要证明给你看上帝的存在。

    I 'm gonna show you God does exist .

  13. 玄冥中上帝的存在和浓厚的神恩。

    For the end of Being and ideal Grace .

  14. 她坚信上帝的存在。

    She holds firm to her belief in God .

  15. 他否认全能的上帝的存在。

    He denied the existence of an all-powerful god .

  16. 上帝的存在和属性之论证

    A Demonstration of the Being and Attribute of God

  17. 他以无神论否定上帝的存在,肯定人自由选择的权利;

    He denied the existence of god and affirmed the right of free choice ;

  18. 我每天的都能体会到上帝的存在。

    I experience God on a daily basis .

  19. 再举个例子,最经典的例子,就是证明上帝的存在。

    Another example , a typical example is proof of the existence of God .

  20. 他是最有名的,他有影响的本体论的论据,上帝的存在。

    He is most famous for his influential ontological argument for God 's existence .

  21. 在哈代的小说中,上帝的存在是缺席的在场。

    In Hardy 's novels , God 's existence lies in his absent presence .

  22. 许多人对上帝的存在表示怀疑。

    Many people question the existence of god .

  23. 我问他,你相信上帝的存在吗?

    He said to me , when I said are you thinking about god ?

  24. 你们都知道天主教会有一个信条:上帝的存在是不证自明的。

    That is a somewhat curious dogma , but it is one of their dogmas .

  25. 我感觉不到上帝的存在。

    God does not speak to me .

  26. 或许真的有上帝的存在。

    Maybe there is a god .

  27. 你怎麽能否定上帝的存在?

    How can you negate God ?

  28. 因此,他们发现很难对上帝的存在提出疑问。

    They find it very difficult , therefore , to call God 's existence into question .

  29. 洛克认为,可以通过一种宇宙论来证明上帝的存在。

    Locke thought that you could prove the existence of God by a sort of cosmological argument .

  30. 之后他得出一个结论,因为上帝的存在所以上帝必须是完美的,他不会欺骗我们。

    And then he concludes that because God exists God must be perfect God cannot deceive us .