
  • 网络Shanghai street
  1. 中央放置着一大堆乱七八糟的旧收音机、旧电视机和旧电话,悬挂的夜壶中发出清洗马桶的声音——那是陈箴童年时每天在上海街上都能听到的声音。

    A large jumble of old radios , televisions and telephones is placed at the center of the structure , while the sound of the daily ritualistic cleaning of night stools , routinely heard on the streets of Shanghai during Mr. Chen 's childhood , emanates from the suspended chamber pots .

  2. 上海地下街的建设现状与发展策略

    Current Situation on the Construction of Underground Street in Shanghai and Its

  3. 上海休闲街商业网点业态结构研究

    Study on the Format Structure of Commercial Network in Shanghai 's Leisure Streets

  4. 而如今,上海的酒吧街直到凌晨还是人声鼎沸;

    Shanghai 's bar streets now bustle until the wee hours ;

  5. 然后你还可以去上海南京步行街购物,那是购物者的天堂。

    Then you can also go to Shanghai , Nanjing Pedestrian Street shopping , it is a shopper 's paradise .

  6. 去年12月,又一条上海著名的美食街被拆除。

    In December , yet another famous Shanghai food street was demolished .

  7. 介绍了上海南京路步行街改建的方案。

    This paper introduces the reconstruction plan of Nanjing Road Walking Street , Shanghai .

  8. 上海南京东路步行街建筑小品泛光照明设计

    Flood Lighting Design of Small Architectural Articles on Walk Street Nanjing East Road Shanghai

  9. 人们在上海弄堂和步行街中的公共生活,是本文研究的重点。

    The public life in Shanghai alley and pedestrian streets is the keystone of the study .

  10. 城市步行街区建设与研究初探&兼论上海吴江路步行街规划设计

    Primary Study of the Construction and Research of Pedestrian Mall ── Disserting Urban Planning of Wujiang Road Pedestrian Mall in Shanghai

  11. 营造商业环境魅力的节点&关于上海南京路步行街世纪广场空间行为的调研分析

    Cresting the Node of Attractiveness of Commercial Environment ── The Investigation of Space and Behavior in the Century Plaza of Nanjing Road Pedestrian Mall in Shanghai

  12. 上海路精品美食街,重点构筑餐饮美食、精品服装、鞋类、化妆品、皮具、家电等为主的特色街;

    Fine & Food Street on Shanghai Road main is the characteristic street composed of catering and food , fine clothing , shoes , cosmetics , leather goods , home appliances , etc.

  13. 最后以西安市大雁塔北广场及上海南京东路步行街为例,分析说明这种思想和方法在我国公共空间设计中应用的必要性和可行性。

    Finally , the Xi'an Yanta North Plaza , for example , the description of such ideas and methods in the design of public space in the application of the necessity and feasibility .

  14. 为了实现他的干涉主义作品《贝鲁特和上海的云烟》,他让人制作了一台造雾机,放置在上海著名的购物街南京路上。

    To realize the intervention A cloud on Beirut and Shanghai he constructed a smoke machine and placed it on the busy , famous , and central shopping street Nanjing Lu in Shanghai .

  15. 这无疑会令那些思乡的英国人感到高兴,但上海店能否生存下去,仍存在着更大的问题。上海店位于南京西路(相当于上海的牛津街(OxfordStreet)),店面巨大且昂贵。

    This will doubtless make homesick those Brits happy , but larger questions remain about the viability of the Shanghai store , which has a large and expensive footprint on Nanjing Xi Lu , Shanghai 's Oxford Street .