
  • 网络spoiled cocoon;eliminated cocoon
  1. 自动缫绪下茧粒数管理

    Control over the Reeling Cocoon Number per Thread in Automatic Reeling

  2. 落叶松红腹叶蜂在带岭林区一年发生一代,以老熟幼虫在落叶层下丝茧内越冬。

    The larch sawfly has one generation per year .

  3. 新型多功能丝绵被的研制与开发用下脚茧生产高弹性保健丝绵被的工艺研究

    Research and Development of New Multifunction Silk Floss Quilt A New Technique to Increase the Elasticity and Softness of Silk Floss Quilt

  4. 在实验室条件下,雌性茧蛹历期平均为84d,雄性为76d;预蛹期4~6天;

    At laboratory conditions , the average female pupal period is 8.4 d and male pupal stage is 7.6 d.

  5. 解舒张力测试系统主要用于煮茧质量的检测,本文根据该系统在不同工艺条件下对煮熟茧离解张力的测定数据,论述了系统应用的可行性与适用范围,该系统的应用和完善。

    By analyzing a group of data obtained from testing associating tension of cooked cocoons under different technical conditions , the author presents the application feasibility and scope of the system .

  6. 在实验室条件下,对麦蛾茧蜂各虫态的发育起点温度与有效积温进行研究。

    In the present paper the development zero and effective accumulated temperature of Habrobracon hebetor ( Say ) were studied .