
  • 网络Miss World;Miss Universe
  1. 前些年,海南曾因走私交易声名狼藉,但后来转而成为中国的温泉疗养胜地,并因举办世界小姐(MissWorld)选美大赛而闻名于世。

    In years gone by it was infamous for smuggling contraband , but has since been transformed into China 's spa capital made famous through hosting the Miss World beauty pageant .

  2. 在世界小姐的想法出现在英国。

    The idea of Miss World has appeared in the UK .

  3. 瑞伊在接受《独立报》(TheIndependent)访谈时说,筹备期间世界小姐英国分赛区负责人告诉瑞伊,国际赛事的评委团希望她“尽可能再瘦一些”,这样才算严肃对待比赛,瑞伊因此选择退出。

    But she dropped out after the UK head of Miss United Continents told her the international directors of the contest wanted her to " lose as much weight as she could " to become a serious contender , the size 10 model claimed in an interview with The Independent .

  4. 作为美国小姐的优胜者,Rima将代表美国参加今年的世界小姐选美比赛。

    As the winner of Miss USA , the 24-year-old marketing executive from Michigan will represent the US in the beauty contest later this year .

  5. 瑞伊·斯梅尔(ZoieySmale)来自英国诺丁汉郡,今年28岁,6月荣获英国小姐桂冠,本来正在筹备9月将在厄瓜多尔举办的世界小姐比赛。

    Zoiey Smale , 28 , from Nottinghamshire , was crowned Miss UK in June and was preparing to compete at Miss United Continents in Ecuador in September .

  6. 埃丝特兰特同意主持“世界小姐选美大赛”节目。

    Esther rantzen agreed to compere the Miss World contest .

  7. 新世界小姐秘鲁小姐艳压群芳。

    Miss Peru takes Miss World crown in China pageant .

  8. 英国小姐有没有赢得过世界小姐选美赛呢?

    Has Miss UK ever won the Miss World contest ?

  9. 世界小姐选美比赛只不过是座性感秀。

    The Miss World contest is nothing more than a cattle market .

  10. 三亚喜来登度假酒店:世界小姐的家

    Sheraton Sanya Resort & The Home of Miss World

  11. 世界小姐,漂亮,性感!

    Miss World , attractive , sex appeal !

  12. 2002年世界小姐竞赛的获胜者是土耳其小姐。

    And the winner is , Miss Turkey .

  13. 她就像世界小姐那样漂亮!

    She 's as beautiful as Miss universe !

  14. 世界小姐选美大赛评判小组

    The jury of the Miss World competition

  15. 这场世界小姐大赛将于11月30日在尼日利亚首都阿布贾举行。

    The Miss World competition is to take place November thirtieth in Abuja , the capital .

  16. 世界小姐大赛是埃里克莫利于1951年在英国发起的一项国际选美盛事。

    Miss World pageant is an international beauty pageant founded in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in1951 .

  17. 我看到了春天的希望,但仍然在世界小姐的冰雪冒险。

    I saw the spring of hope , but still miss the world of ice and snow adventure .

  18. 前“世界小姐”朴雅卡·乔普拉位列2015世界美女榜第九。

    The former Miss World Priyanka Chopra stands 9th on the world 's most beautiful women of 2015 list .

  19. 来自125个国家和地区的选美小姐们将在7月24日至8月18日比赛期间角逐世界小姐桂冠。

    Contestants from 125 countries and regions will compete in the event which lasts from July 24 to August 18 .

  20. 三亚则通过主办2003年之后五年间的四届世界小姐选美大赛,进一步提升了自身在国际上的知名度。

    Sanya itself raised its international profile by hosting the Miss World beauty pageant four times over five years starting in2003 .

  21. 加冕仪式在伦敦举行,充满争议的本界世界小姐竞赛终于结束了。

    The controversy-plagued Miss World 2002 competition is finally over with the crowning in London of this year 's pageant victor .

  22. 尤其令他们愤怒的是,世界小姐比赛将在穆斯林神圣的斋月期间举行。

    They are especially angered that the Miss World contest is to take place during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan .

  23. 唐潇将代表中国,参加十月份于海南三亚举行的世界小姐全球总决赛。

    Tang is to represent China to compete in the Miss World global final in October in Sanya , Hainan Province .

  24. 世界小姐选美大赛在今天看来也许不合潮流,但它曾是最吸引人的电视节目之一。

    The Miss World beauty contest may be an anachronism , but it used to be one of television 's biggest draws .

  25. 获胜者被宣布为安贝尔索利斯索萨从尤卡坦半岛,谁将会继续在世界小姐代表墨西哥。

    The winner was announced as Anabel Solis Sosa from Yucatan , who will go on to represent Mexico at Miss World .

  26. 不管是在美国橄榄球超级联赛,世界小姐比赛上,还是潘普洛纳的奔牛节,温布尔登网球公开赛的决赛上,他都裸奔过。

    His streaks includes the Super Bowl , Miss World , the running of the bulls in Pamplona and the Wimbledon final .

  27. 谁会料到,世界小姐比赛还成为英国儿童慈善事业的最大解囊者之一呢?

    Who could have guessed that it would also become one of the country 's biggest generators of money for children 's charities ?

  28. 菲丽帕·洛索普导演的《品行不端》回顾了1970年世界小姐选美大赛在伦敦的皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅举行时发生的事情。

    Misbehaviour , directed by Philippa Lowthorpe , recounts what happened when the event was staged at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 1970 .

  29. 今年,英国小姐冠军得主在得知必须要减肥才能参加世界小姐选拔后放弃了冠军头衔。

    The winner of Miss UK 2017 has given up her crown after she was told to lose weight to compete at an international level .

  30. 在摘得美国俄亥俄州小姐冠军的桂冠之后,这位妆容精致的选美皇后在美国小姐的比赛中获得亚军,世界小姐竞争中名列第六。

    After winning the Miss Ohio USA title , the well made-up pageant queen placed second in Miss USA and sixth in the Miss World competition .