
  • 网络dual listing
  1. 这项投资令他们在伦敦与悉尼两地上市企业力拓全部股份中所占比例达到9%。

    This investment gives them a 9 per cent overall stake in Rio which enjoys dual listing in London and Sydney .

  2. 多元化的资源集团公司中冶集团(chinametallurgical)正在筹划一场轰动市场的香港、上海两地上市。

    China Metallurgical , the diversified resources conglomerate , is preparing a blockbuster double stock market listing in Hong Kong and Shanghai .

  3. 周一,在香港和中国内地两地上市的房地产开发商万科(ChinaVanke)发布了上半年业绩。

    On Friday , Hong Kong - and China-listed property developer China Vanke announced first-half results .

  4. 这些在香港市场估值更高的公司,包括另外两家两地上市的银行&中国银行(BoC)和中国招商银行(ChinaMerchantsBank)。

    The companies with higher valuations in Hong Kong include the two other banks with dual listings - Bank of China and China Merchants Bank .

  5. 但本周有迹象显示,自从两地上市的中国冶金集团(chinametallurgicalcorp)在香港首个交易日下跌12%之后,香港投资者对新发行股票变得更加挑剔了。

    But there were signs this week that investors in Hong Kong were being more selective about new offerings after shares in dual-listed China Metallurgical Corp dropped 12 per cent on its Hong Kong debut .

  6. 尤其是2003年12月,中国人寿保险股份公司在香港和美国两地上市,成为2003年全球最大IPO,受到资本市场的热烈追捧。

    Particularly , in December 2003 , China Life Insurance Company Ltd was listed both on America and HK capital market , which is the largest IPO and the shares are sold well .

  7. bae表示,两家公司将创建一种两地上市的公司结构,在这种结构下作为一家集团运营。

    The pair would create a dual-listed company structure , under which they would operate as one group , BAE said .

  8. 中国建设银行(CCB)表示,第一季度利润达到321亿元人民币。中国建行是另一家在香港和上海两地上市的大型国有银行。

    China Construction Bank , the other giant state-owned bank listed on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock markets , said profit in the first quarter reached Rmb32.1bn .

  9. 此外,有关方面还计划增加两地上市的企业数量。

    There are also plans to increase the number of dual-listed companies .

  10. 许多两地上市的中国股票都存在令人瞠目的估值差距。

    Yawning valuation gaps exist among many of China 's dual-listed stocks .

  11. 尽管在香港和上海两地上市,上海电气63%的股份仍握在国家手中。

    Despite being listed in Hong Kong and Shanghai , Shanghai Electric is 63 per cent state owned .

  12. 在纽约和圣保罗两地上市的巴西国家石油公司在格拉卡斯•福斯特接管时就已经陷入困境。

    New York and S ã o Paulo quoted Petrobras itself was already in trouble when she took charge .

  13. 两地上市的中国铁建H股昨日收于12港元,其发行价为10.70港元。

    Dual-listed CRCC yesterday finished at HK $ 12 , compared with an IPO price of HK $ 10.70 .

  14. 此外,在内地和香港两地上市的公司,其H股股价相对便宜四分之一。

    For companies with both A and H shares , moreover , the Hong Kong lines are one-quarter cheaper .

  15. 农业银行同时在香港和上海两地上市。周一,股东似乎未受这一消息影响。当天该行港股股价微跌0.8%。

    Shareholders seemed unfazed by the news on Monday , with AgBank closing down 0.8 % in Hong Kong .

  16. 知情人士称,合并后的公司将在伦敦和多伦多两地上市。

    The combined group will have a dual stock market listing in London and Toronto , those people said .

  17. 新交所上周与奥斯陆证交所签订了一项协议,以推动船运和能源行业公司在两地上市。

    The SGX last week signed an agreement with the Oslo exchange to promote dual listings in shipping and energy .

  18. 去年3月份,在26家两地上市企业中,约三分之一企业的香港股价高于上海股价。

    Last March about a third of 26 dual-listed companies traded at higher valuations in Hong Kong than in Shanghai .

  19. 同时在内地A股市场和香港两地上市的企业有40多家,它们两地股价所对应的市盈率相差非常大。

    The 40-odd stocks listed on both the domestic-currency A-share market and in Hong Kong trade on vastly differing multiples .

  20. 一年前,在当时的30家两地上市企业中,有10家企业在香港的股价高于内地。

    A year ago , a third of the then 30 dual-listed companies traded at higher valuations in Hong Kong .

  21. A+H模式指的是上市公司在大陆A股市场和香港股票市场两地上市的模式。

    A + H model refers to companies which list both on the mainland A-share market and Hong Kong stock market .

  22. 根据澳大利亚外资所有权规定,可能不会被批准外国公司持有力拓在澳大利亚超过15%的股份(力拓是一家两地上市企业)。

    A holding of more than 15 per cent of dual-listed Rio 's Australian shares could be blocked under foreign ownership rules .

  23. 产品多元化与企业出口绩效的实证研究&对广东浙江两地上市公司的对比分析

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Domestic Product Diversification and Export Performance : An Comparative Analysis between Listed Companies from Guangdong and Zhejiang Provinces

  24. 力拓是一家两地上市公司,受相关法律管辖,而澳大利亚商业律师认为,法庭可能觉得90%股东同意就已足够。

    Rio is governed by dual-listed company legislation and Australian corporate lawyers believe the courts would probably accept a figure of 90 per cent shareholder acceptances .

  25. 中国最大的几家国有银行几乎全都向外国战略投资者出售了股份,并在沪港两地上市。

    Almost all of China 's largest state-owned banks have sold shares to foreign strategic investors and listed on stock markets in Hong Kong and Shanghai .

  26. 该公司在香港和新加坡两地上市,宣建生及其家族持有公司3%的股权。

    The company in which Mr Hsuan and his family have a stake of 3 per cent is listed on the Hong Kong and Singapore stock exchanges .

  27. 目前有48家内地公司在两地上市,它们的H股股价比A股价格平均低了43.7%。

    The Hong Kong-traded H-shares of 48 Chinese companies trade at an average 43.7 per cent discount to their A-share counterparts , which are listed in Shanghai .

  28. 英航和伊比利亚航空将在合并后的集团中各自保留自己的品牌,集团将在伦敦和马德里两地上市。

    Both the Ba and Iberia brands would be retained as part of a combined group , which would have stock market listings in both London and Madrid .

  29. 但李晶指出,同时在两地上市的公司a股和h股之间的价差已大幅缩小。

    But Ms Ulrich notes that the gap between the Shanghai " a " shares and Hong Kong " H " shares of dual-listed companies has narrowed considerably .

  30. 即便在香港股市周一上扬之后,这些两地上市股票的A股价格仍较H股平均高出78%。

    Even after Monday 's rally in Hong Kong , such dual-listed shares were still trading at an average 78 per cent premium domestically as compared with Hong Kong .