
  • 网络intermediate target;intermediate goal
  1. 对确定货币政策中介目标的思考

    The Reflection over the Choice of Our Monetary Intermediate Target

  2. 货币政策的新中介目标&加权货币总量指数

    A new intermediate target for monetary policy : weighted monetary aggregates index

  3. 基于VAR模型的脉冲响应函数和方差分解等计量方法,对我国货币政策中介目标和最终目标的动态相关性进行了实证分析。

    The authors make an empirical analysis on the dynamic relation of Chinese monetary intermediate objective and ultimate objective based on VAR Model .

  4. 接着说明利率和汇率目前都不能担当中介目标的角色,通货膨胀定标实施的条件也不成熟,广义货币M2的供应量仍可以作为中介目标,但应加强对信贷规模和通货膨胀率的监测;

    Then analyses the reasons that interest rate exchange rate and inflation rate can not replace money supply as the intermediate target ;

  5. IS-LM曲线在我国货币政策中介目标选择中的运用

    On Police Nationalism The Choice of Intermediary Targets of Monetary Police by Using IS-LM Curve

  6. 短短十多年中,便有这么多国家放弃了钉住汇率、货币量或名义国内生产总值(GDP)等其他中介目标而转向钉住通货膨胀,其发展势头之迅猛超出了很多经济学家的意料。

    There are so many countries have given up targeting exchange rate , monetary aggregate , or GDP and transferred to target inflation that the rapid and violent surge is beyond many economists ' imaginations .

  7. 最后,本文从优化货币量中介目标传导机制和优化货币供应量指标两个角度提出政策建议,具体措施是通过加快利率市场化进程、提高测算精确度和使用Divisia货币指数来实现。

    At last , this dissertation gives some suggestions from two aspects : optimizing intermediary transmission mechanism and optimizing money supply index in detail , i.e. accelerating the process of Interest Rate Marketing , improving the accuracy of measurement and using the new money index called Divisia .

  8. 对我国货币政策中介目标选择的思考

    Reflection on the Choice of Intermediate Monetary Policy Target in China

  9. 西方国家货币政策中介目标的历史演进及其启示

    Western country currency policy agent target 's historical evolution and its inspiration

  10. 货币政策中介目标的演变及现状

    The Evolution and Status Quo of the Agency Target in Currency Policy

  11. 开放经济中货币政策中介目标的选择

    The option of medium goal of monetary policy in an open economy

  12. 通货膨胀目标制的理论思考&论我国货币政策中介目标的重新界定

    Inflation Targeting : Rearrangement of the Intermediate Target for China 's Monetary Policy

  13. 利率充当中介目标的典型是美国。在美国,货币主义实验的失败使货币内生的观点得到复活。

    So , the currency in circulation served as intermediate target of monetary policy .

  14. 信贷配给理论与货币政策中介目标的选择

    The Theory of Credit Rationing and the Choice of Intermediate Target of Monetary Policy

  15. 新调控模式的中介目标探析

    An Analysis of the Intermediary Objectives on the New Pattern of Adjustment and Control

  16. 把我国的货币政策中介目标逐渐由货币供给量变为市场利率;

    Change for monetary policy medium goal from money supply to market interest rate ;

  17. 当前我国货币政策中介目标选择研究

    The Research on the Selection of Intermediary Goal for Monetary Policy in China Currently

  18. 在一个有效的货币政策框架中,中介目标的选择至关重要。

    The choice of intermediate aim is crucial to a effective monetary policy regime .

  19. 目前,我国货币政策的中介目标是货币供应量。

    At present , China takes money supply as the intermediary target of monetary policy .

  20. 第五,灵活调整中介目标,综合运用政策工具;

    Fifthly , adjust middle target flexibly , and use suitable policy operation tools comprehensively .

  21. 金融创新对货币政策中介目标有效性的影响

    The Influence of Financial Innovation on the Validity of the Medium Target of Monetary Policy

  22. 以货币供应量为中介目标的我国货币政策传导的检验

    A Test on China 's Monetary Policy Transmission as Money Supply to be Intermediate Target

  23. 首先我们探讨了目前将利率作为我国货币政策中介目标的局限。

    First , we discuss the limitations that China uses interest rates as intermediate target .

  24. 提高当前我国货币政策中介目标作用的建议

    Suggestions on improving the function of the intermediary 's goal of monetary policy in China

  25. 相关的中介目标是货币政策效果的重要指示器。

    Secondly , a relative intermediate target is an important indicator of effective monetary policy .

  26. 许多国家现行的货币政策框架中,没有充分考虑股票市场对货币的需求,股市的发展己成为影响货币供需的重要因素,这使得仅仅将货币政策供应量作为货币政策中介目标的做法受到挑战。

    The development of stock market already becomes the important factor influencing the money demand .

  27. 转型经济时期我国货币政策中介目标的选择

    Our Country 's Choice of the Monetary Policy Medium Objective during the Economy Transition Period

  28. 以人力资本与传统资本增长互动为中介目标;

    Make the interaction of human capital and traditional capital increasing as the intermediate aim ;

  29. 有的国家干脆放弃货币政策中介目标而直接选择通货膨胀率作为货币政策的目标;

    Some countries have simply discarded the intermediate targets and resorted directly to inflation targeting .

  30. 用历史的观点来看,这些中介目标的选择都有其合理性和必然性。

    With the historical standpoint , the choice of these intermediate targets contained rationality and inevitability .