
  1. 木活字在中国印刷史中曾经发挥过重要的作用。

    This article attempts to illustrate the important application of wooden types in the history of Chinese printing .

  2. 《中国印刷发展史图鉴》的创新及其特色

    The Innovation and Characteristic of " Illustrated Handbook of China Printing Phylogeny "

  3. 总之,读者可以通过这本书了解到中国印刷的发展史和中国印刷业的现状。

    The timely release of From Oracle Bones to E-Publications will help readers come to grips with China 's publishing history and its current state .

  4. 这些都为中国古代版本学的确立准备了物质条件,亦对后来中国印刷史及版本学史均有较大影响。木活字在中国印刷史中曾经发挥过重要的作用。

    The development during the period prepared the way for the establishment of bibliology in ancient China , and influenced the development of printing thereafter . This article attempts to illustrate the important application of wooden types in the history of Chinese printing .