
  • 网络China National Furniture Association;China Furniture Association;CNFA
  1. 苏州睡莲床垫有限公司是中国家具协会床褥出口的骨干企业。

    Is one of the key enterprises of China Furniture Association for mattress export .

  2. 中国家具协会设计工作委员会工作条例

    Regulations of China Furniture Association Design Committee

  3. 关于中国家具协会设计工作委员会筹备工作的报告

    Report on the Preparations for the Founding of China Furniture Society Design Committee

  4. 根据中国家具协会的数据,2007年1至10月份,中国出口家具总额110.1937美元,比2006年同期增长达36.95%。

    According to China Furniture Association , China exported upholstered furniture from Jan. 2007 to Oct. 2007 worth US $ 11.02 billion , an increase of 36.95 % on the same period of last year .

  5. 中国家具协会副理事长朱长岭对此给出了一个形象的比喻:“人们买高档的服装不会去超市买,因为档次上不去。”

    China Furniture Association , Vice Chairman Zhu Changling which gives a vivid metaphor : " People buy high-end clothing does not go to the supermarket to buy , because grades can not go up . "

  6. 中国家具行业协会组织运营管理研究

    The Operation Management Research on China Furniture Trade Association

  7. “由于美国的次贷危机,美国商人往往缩减订单数量,要么就是延期支付,”中国家具行业协会副理事长朱长岭是这样回答的。

    " Because of the subprime lending crisis in the U.S. , American merchants are reducing their orders or not paying on time ," says Zhu Changling , vice-president of the China National Furniture Assn.