
  1. 瑞金矿业(RealGoldMining)的德勤审计师也辞任,称这家中国矿产公司未能披露涉及关联方的重要信息。

    It also resigned as auditor of Real Gold Mining , saying that the Chinese miner had failed to disclose material information involving related parties .

  2. CSR钻探方法在中国矿产勘探中的应用与发展

    Application and Development of CSR Drilling Method in Mineral Exploration of China

  3. 他表示:中国矿产和金属的使用量大约是美国的两倍,但国内生产总值(GDP)只有美国的三分之一。

    China uses approximately twice the amount of minerals and metals as the US , but its GDP is one-third the size .

  4. 金融危机背景下中国矿产资源战略机遇

    Strategic Opportunities of China 's Mineral Resources in the Financial Crisis

  5. 中国矿产地战略储备的基本内涵和规模研究

    Study on basic connotation and scale of Chinese mineral lands reserve

  6. 中国矿产地质50年来的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect of fifty years mineral deposit in China

  7. 中国矿产资源经济研究综述

    A Summary of Mineral Resource Economics Study in China

  8. 不过,中国矿产企业决定要追回失去的时间。

    However , Chinese miners are now determined to make up for lost time .

  9. 中国矿产资源战略分析

    Strategic Analysis of Mineral Resources in China

  10. 中国矿产资源存量和开发方面都存在问题。

    There have been problems in the storage and the development of Chinese mineral resource .

  11. 中国矿产资源利用的创新问题

    The creation of Chinese mineral resources

  12. 中国矿产资源的可持续发展

    China 's mineral resource sustainable development

  13. 按企业集团模式建设中国矿产勘查开发总公司

    On setting up a national mineral exploration and Development Corporation after the " enterprise group " pattern

  14. 中国矿产资源特征主要是由中国的地质构造特点和地质成矿历史所决定的。

    The features of mineral resources of China depended on the characteristics of geological structures and geologic-metallogenic history of China .

  15. 银行家们表示,中国矿产企业在海外达成交易可能很困难,因为其中一些企业使用的估值过于保守。

    Bankers say it can be hard for Chinese miners to strike deals abroad because of the conservative valuations that some of them use .

  16. 国内外矿产勘查运行机制的浅议按企业集团模式建设中国矿产勘查开发总公司

    Mineral exploration mechanisms of China and foreign countries on setting up a national mineral exploration and Development Corporation after the " enterprise group " pattern

  17. 中国矿产资源丰富,尤其在内蒙古自治区现已查明煤炭储量超过7000亿吨,运力是目前急需解决的问题。

    China is rich in mineral resources , especially in inner mongolia autonomous region has now found out the coal reserves top 700 billion tons .

  18. 考虑投资外国矿商的中国矿产企业尝试过许多交易,但最终成功的要少得多,一名前五矿高管表示。

    A lot more deals have been attempted than completed , in terms of Chinese miners looking at foreign mining companies , a former Minmetals executive says .

  19. 分析了造成上述困境的原因是理论的误区和实践的盲动,给中国矿产资源的开发及利用带来了危机;

    The reason mentioned above is that the guiding thinking is incorrect , with blind practice resulting in the current crisis of China 's mineral resource development and utilization .

  20. 一些中国矿产企业通过惨痛的教训认识到,声誉与政治环境对交易能否成功的重要性,或许与资产质量同样高。

    Some Chinese miners have been learning the hard way that reputation and political environment can mean just as much to the success of a deal as the quality of the asset .

  21. 综述了世界及发达国家主要矿产资源发展战略,中国矿产资源的需求与预测,及我国矿产资源的发展远景和策略。

    In this paper main mineral resources development strategy is described in the world and developed countries . the prediction of the demand on mineral resources and mineral resources in China development prospect and strategy .

  22. 中国矿产资源产业如何定位及其政策取向,不仅关系着矿产资源产业本身的发展前景,更关系着中国现代化战略目标的实现和经济社会的可持续发展。

    How to make the orientation and policy of China 's mineral resources industry not only influence the prospect of the industry , but also the fulfillment of China 's modernized strategic target and social economic sustained development .

  23. 作为中国矿产资源可持续发展战略的重要一部分,赣南矿业可持续发展需要统一规划、实施资源优化配置战略,发展矿业大公司、大集团,走规模化、集约化发展之路。

    As an important part of sustainable developing strategy of mineral resources in China , it is demanded to plan and carry out superior dispose strategy in south of Ganzhou , develope big company and group , and carry out development in scale and intensive .

  24. 在此基础上,基于循环经济视角研究和探讨确保中国矿产资源循环利用与安全供给的路径模式与宏观政策体系,为和谐社会的经济可持续发展及资源耗用模式的评价与选择提供理论基础。

    Fourthly , the article provides a theoretical basis of evaluation and selection for the sustainable development of harmonious social and resource consumption patterns based on the studies of the macro-policy system and the path model of safe supply and recycling for mineral resources in China .

  25. 中国的矿产丰富。

    China is rich in minerals .

  26. 中国重要矿产资源的需求预测

    The Prediction of the Demand on Important Mineral Resources in China

  27. 中国能源矿产态势与可持续开发利用对策

    China Mineral Resources Situation and Countermeasures of Sustainable Exploitation and Utilization

  28. 略论中国古代矿产经济及其管理

    A brief review of china 's ancient mineral resources economy and management

  29. 中国节约矿产资源的发展道路浅谈

    Thought on the development of mineral resources economy in China

  30. 中国固体矿产物探的回顾与展望

    The retrospect and Prospect of geophysical exploration for solid