
  • 网络Chinese seal cutting
  1. 同时中国篆刻与中国书画、绘画、诗歌这几门艺术形式是密不可分的。

    While Chinese seal cutting and Chinese painting and calligraphy , painting , poetry of this a few art is inseparable .

  2. 怎么一个刻字了得&中国篆刻艺术与当代刻字艺术的比较研究

    How Remarkable It Is About Cutting & a Comparison Research on the Art of China 's seal cutting and that of Lettering of the Time

  3. 体会到了中国传统篆刻艺术的魅力。

    I suddenly realize the deep charm of traditional seal art .

  4. 之后,中国利用篆刻木块制成字体模板发明了印刷术。

    China developed printing , using signs cut into wooden blocks .

  5. 中国的篆刻艺术源远流长。

    Chinese seal carving art has a long history .

  6. 我的店铺主要是从是经营与研究中国传统篆刻艺术。

    My shop is mostly from the operating and research of traditional Chinese carving art .

  7. 该标志以独特的、有五千年历史的中国印章篆刻和书法为手段,把中国传统艺术和现代奥林匹克精神结合起来。

    The logo combines Chinese traditional art with modern Olympic spirit by means of the unique techniques of Chinese seal cutting and calligraphy , which have a history of5000 years .

  8. 徽派篆刻在中国文人篆刻史上始终是主流,但对徽派篆刻进行系统研究的文章却没有。

    Seal cutting of Faction Hui is the mainstream in the history of that of Chinese literati all the time . However , there is no article about systematical research of seal cutting of Faction Hui .

  9. 明清时代,篆刻发展到它的第二个高峰,中国时期的篆刻艺术特点主要是百家争艳,流派纷呈。

    Since Ming and qing dynasties , character-carving development to its second development peak , its main characteristic is the art of seal-engraving has colorful genre .

  10. 中国印融入了篆刻,书法,美术和诗歌元素。

    Chinese seal blends the elements of engraving , calligraphy , painting and poetry .