
  1. 作为中国经济思想史的组成部分,本论文力求客观真实地刻画中国当代通货膨胀(Inflation,以下简称通胀)理论的演变过程,这是第一要务。

    As one part of History of Chinese Economic Thoughts , this dissertation has managed to depict the evolvement of Chinese inflation theories factually and exactly .

  2. 中国经济思想史简编

    A Concise History of Chinese Economic Thought

  3. 中国经济思想史学会第九届年会综述

    A Summarization of the Ninth Fall Due Annual Meeting of Association of the History Chinese Economic Thought

  4. 建国60年中国经济思想史学科的发展

    Development of the Discipline of Chinese Economic Thought in the 60 Years after the Founding of the PRC

  5. 中国经济思想史研究的意义:以美国《1933年农业调整法》为例

    The Significance of the Study of the History of the Chinese Economic Thought : an American Example in the 1930s

  6. 论20世纪上半叶中国经济思想史研究&基于学术论文的考察

    Study on the History of Chinese Economic Thoughts in the First Half of the 20th Century & Based on Research of Academic Papers

  7. 《实业计划》中有许多值得研究和珍视的先进思想,它是近代中国经济思想史的一份重要遗产。

    There were many advanced thoughts which are worthy of studying and valuing . It is an important legacy of Chinese modern history about economic ideas .

  8. 因此,分析和总结这一时期的防灾救灾经济思想,有利于从根本上把握我国古代社会防灾救灾经济思想的特质,对推进中国经济思想史理论的研究也具有重要的理论意义。

    Therefore , analyzes and summarizes the disaster relief of a period of economic thoughts , to grasp the ancient Chinese society from the root of the disaster relief economic thought , to promote the Chinese economic history theory research also has important theoretical significance .

  9. 本文介绍了中国经济思想史学会第十届年会的中心议题以及与会代表围绕中心议题进行的学术讨论,此外还就与会代表提交的一些重要论文及学术观点进行了概括性和综合性的介绍。

    The paper introduces the main topics and the academic discussion of the Tenth Fall Due Annual Meeting of Association of the History of Chinese Economic Thought , and it also makes some summarizing and comprehensive introduction to some of the major these presented by representatives and academic viewpoints .

  10. 开拓中国经济管理思想史学科建设的新阶段

    To Develop a New Discipline : the History of Economic Managerial Thought in China

  11. 司马迁的《史记.货殖列传》在中国古代经济思想史上独具特色。

    Record money and commerce , a part of Records of the Grand Historian , written by Sima-qian , is noted for its peculiarity during the ancient economic thought history of China .

  12. 作为中国近代经济思想史重要组成部分的中国近代税制改革思想,系以西方财政学为理论依据,其产生和发展,与西方财政思想在中国传播的进展密切相关。

    Chinese neoteric tax system reform thought , as important part of Chinese neoteric economic thought history , is based on western public finance theories and its birth and development is closely related to the spread of western public finance in China .

  13. 关于中国当代旅游经济思想史研究的思考

    Pondering on the writing of Contemporary China Tourism Economic Thoughts

  14. 中国当代旅游经济思想史研究是一个原创性课题。

    To write the History of Contemporary China Tourism Economic Thoughts is a task with original idea .

  15. 马建忠的经济思想是反对闭关锁国,主张对外开放,反对外国经济侵略,发展中国资本主义经济的理论,在中国近代经济思想史上具有重要的地位。

    His economic thought , which was against closing policy , and protested the invasion of foreign capitalism , proposed opening to the world and fostering Chinese capitalism , was very important in the history of modern Chinese economic thought .