
  1. 公司正门青岛中大(集团)股份有限公司,是青岛市纺织行业的大型企业。

    Qingdao Zhongda ( Group ) Stock Co. , Ltd is one of the biggest enterprises in the line of thetextile in Qingdao .

  2. 中石化、中石油两大集团成功的开发的IC卡成品油销售管理系统已经在国内广泛的使用。

    The development of IC card management system for Oil Products of the two groups Sinopec and CNPC has been widely used in the country .

  3. 在运营中,三大航空集团和海航具有明显的垄断优势。而它们之间也存在明显的竞争关系。

    The three big companies and Hainan airlines have apparent advantages of operational monopoly , and also intensive competition between them .

  4. 自然垄断产业规制改革改变了原有的利益格局,不同群体间的利益冲突随着改革的推进愈发激烈。消费者、垄断厂商和规制者构成了自然垄断规制改革进程中的三大利益集团。

    The regulation reform has changed the former interest pattern , and the interest conflict among groups is becoming more acute with the impeding reform . Consumers , monopolists and regulators compose the three interest groups in the regulation reform of natural monopoly industry .